(11) Riku [Kingdom Hearts]

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"Why! Why won't you come with me ____!" Riku shouted at you as you were pinned by two monsters? againest the hard brick wall of Travelers Town.

"Riku! What's wrong wtih you?!" the female struggled as darkness kept pulling her in a pit of darkness itself.

"Is it Sora you love..?" suddenly their was a sad soft voice that came from Riku as he stared towards the ground clenching his hands into fists.


"Is it Sora you love!!" Suddenly the heartless disappeared as you were again slammed into but by Riku as he held your hands together above your head tightly.

He stared into your confused eyes. "I won't let him have you.. even if I have to do.. this.." Suddenly you felt paralyzed as you felt something warm yet cold touching your lips and something insert you mouth was she being kissed?

Not being able to move or fight she even found herself some how kissing back as the darkness welcomed her in.

No one could save her from this.

Not even her.

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