As a few years passed by... Allina and Dan finished their studies properly and they are graduates
Dan and Allina got new courses in collage but while their still in collage, they had to get married because just like what that old lady said, something bad MIGHT happen if the two of their powers were'nt strong enough
Allina's POV Oh my gosh... I still can't believe it! I'm married to my bestfriend who is my crush!!! I am very happy yet worried... what if something does happen... I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE
Oh by the way, when I was walking down the aisle, I felt like I was the most happiest bride!
Also, when the priest said... "You may now kiss the bride" I was like "Oh gosh... it's really happening!" And when he kissed me... I felt like I was travelling time like I was going back to the day we both had our first kiss!!!!!
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I was really in shock but I was still happy, I was always happy ever since I woke up on this day
Well, just as the wedding was over, we had this party that was really tiring... REALLY!
And when I went to the comfort room, I saw this familiar face... "Oh hey there old lady... wanna go inside the party?" I asked but she didn't answer me but instead she gave me a letter... it stated
"Dear Dan and Allina, Congratulations! You two are finally known as a couple! Now... you have to make your little offspring quick... those monsters I told you about are going to come 11 years after.... So please"
As me and Dan read that, we quickly dashed to our own private rooms and yes... we did it
Many... many... many weeks passed, I felt sick but before I could even know... I WAS PREGNANT!
Well... Time really flew fast As I am now 7 months pregnant and little did you know... I'm having twins! A girl and a boy mostly known as fraternal twins
I'm very happy to know that I got twins! Yes! Well... I have to wait for a little longer and see what happens.