update *???

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Reader type #1


Reader type #2

Not to rush you, but it's been 20 centuries since your last update, I hope you update soon

Reader type #3

I understand you have alot of things going on right now, so take your time to update !! I'll wait forever

^ holy shit these are real angels btw

BUT I don't blame any of you guys, because.....I REALLY UPDATE SO SLOW. IPHONE 200 IS GONNA BE OUT BY THE TIME I UPDATED THIS

Reasons for my slow ass updates:

- when I get home after school, I eat and hibernate till the next morning

- I worry too much about my ideas being boring because of my anxiety

- my time is spent on doing my art coursework to the point where I am a caveman and I didn't know about euphoria until my friend called and screeched over the phone at how Jungledoo looked so diddly dang fine in the M/V.

- im lazy

If ( MY PREDICTION IS RIGHT ) I have a free day this weekend where I can focus on something else, so there might be updates on my books......

Provided I don't fall asleep.


I might sleep

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