"What the hell were the both of you doing?" my brother sulks, slouching down further into the couch. "Are you acting in a korean drama?"
It's been two days since our departure from London. Ever since Jungkook was back- he was forbidden from meeting me at all; as instructed from my brother who was protective of me. I couldn't give a flabby ass that we were separated for some reason. It was a blessing in disguise- I really needed a break from all this drama.
"Haven't you heard of the saying, blood is thicker than water? Family is far more important." Yoongi lectures me again.
"Yeah, and cum is thicker than blood." I retorted.
Despite my rambling, Yoongi finds patience to bear with his dear sister. He understands that I was in fact- not a kid anymore, so he leaves me to be.
"I'm going to the supermarket. Want anything?" I turned back and shot him a cheeky smile. To that Yoongi's eyes softened, before replying. "Eggs. They're on sale."
"Oh, and." he stops my motion as I turned the doorknob.
"Get the kinder eggs for me, won't you?'
"Vice Prezzie!" the another bunch of goers stormed towards my direction. "Is it true that you're.....dating Jungkook?!"
I sighed. "Yes. Haven't I admitted it yesterday?"
"The school's crazy. Deranged. Demented." one of the girls informs me maniacally. "You're dating the one and only Jungkook!"
"Enough about that. How are the preparations for the school festival going?" I switched to vice-president mode; obviously trying to change the topic.
"Oh so well." the class secretary answers with his crooked smile. "We set up costumes for the café. Would you like to try on yours?"
While I was away snatching ropes and sneaking past guards, the school had its annual festival- to celebrate its birthday. The funds earned were used for a better cause; things like helping the crusty donut shop in school from going out of business. Or for the headmaster to buy a new wig for his bald head.
"Sure, I'll try on the costume. What is it?"
The secretary holds up a bunny costume- not the cute kind- the kind that you can see in babyboy strip clubs. I froze in my step. Gasps from the nearby classmates struck me out from my shock.
"Jungkook likes bunnies!" a voice from the crowd called, and a furious blush built up in my cheeks. That wasn't what I planned.
"We're just kidding," the secretary taps my back assuringly. "Here, take this innocent maid costume instead."
He hands over a sack tied up with rope. Inside, I felt significant amount of fabric. Safe, I thought as I held it in my arms. It was perfect for me- conservative and ass covering. I didn't need to show the world my buttcheeks.
As I turned to head for a nearby empty classroom, my secretary calls me again- wanting me to toss the bunny costume. I agreed, holding the two sacks on each arm.

RIVALS | jjk. ✓
Fanfiction"did you just draw a dick on my face?" Min Soojung was more than textbook perfect-- she's independant, crazy smart, and most of all: competitive. That's until the day her full score was smugly ruined by a hot-headed bad boy, who aces all his subject...