Thought the darkness hid it?

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A/N: Hey! Here's another one-shot. Hopefully its not too bad, at least! :)

Wandering round camp at 2 am, Chris looked round the darkness, noticing things he usually wouldn't like how big camp is, or how clear the night sky is. Camp was always much more peaceful during the night, no noisy campers running around or anything like that. Normally he wouldn't be out at this time, it was against camp rules after all. However that night had been too much to bear so he had decided to go for a walk to clear his head. The memories just wouldn't fade, haunting him every night, and he needed to give himself something else to think about.

As he was walking he heard someone training quietly in the arena. Being the curious person he was he decided to check it out. He walked over cautiously, not wanting to startle them, or get caught by the harpies. He just couldn't deal with that tonight. When he walked in he saw his girlfriend, Clarisse La Rue, viciously attacking a dummy with a dagger. He never understood where she got them, she seemed to have an endless array. Chris smirked through his surprise and quietly walked up behind her, wrapping his arms round her waist from behind, while avoiding the edge of the dagger in her hand,

"what are you doing out so early?" he whispered into her ear.

Clarisse jumped slightly and rolled her eyes "training, what does it look like!?" she twirled her dagger, leaving attacking the dummy for the moment to talk to him.

He chuckled quietly and pulled her against him "ok ok. why are you out so early?"

She leant into his arms, hiding a smile "I couldn't sleep" she shrugged. Not wanting to share anymore.


"does it matter!?"

"sorry" he kissed her cheek lightly, not wanting to be on the receiving end of her dagger "no. it doesn't"

"good" Clarisse calmed down, blushing faintly at his kiss "anyway, what are you doing out?"

Chris sighed and pressed his face into his girlfriends hair, leaving one word to explain his late night walk, "nightmares". Clarisse instantly softened, knowing the traumas that haunted his nights, and didn't press the issue further.

"its ok" Chris smiled faintly, he didn't want her to worry about him "I just needed a time out"

"don't we all" she chuckled dryly and turned round in his arms to face him.

"guess so" tightening his arms round her middle he agreed "hey, look" Chris smiled and pointed up at the sky.

"what?" Clarisse frowned slightly, she didn't know much about stars, or constellations, but she looked up anyway, following his outstretched hand.

"see that bright star?" he questioned, looking back down at her.

"uh yea. Why?" looking back down to Chris, she raised an eyebrow at him. Chris smirked and nodded

"well, it reminds me of you"

Clarisse frowned, unsure whether to be annoyed or happy at his comparison. Chris noticed her frown and hurried on, explaining

"its bright, beautiful and shining through all the darkness around it. Just like you do" he smirked and tucked a hair behind her ear.

"oh" She blushed slightly, glad the darkness hid it, not quite sure what to say. Chris smiled and pressed a quick kiss to her lips before pulling her head down to rest on his chest

"its also the brightest one in the sky"

"ok ok. I get it. Enough of comparing me to a giant ball of gas"

He chuckled and linked his fingers with hers "you sure? I could go on..." he smirked

"no! don't you dare" Clarisse pressed her face into his chest to hide the blush deepening on her cheeks. He chuckled and pulled her head gently back to look at her, smirking again when he noticed her blush.

"your cheeks say otherwise"

"Rodriguez!" She groaned

"thought the darkness hid it? not likely!"

Clarisse just rested her head back down on his chest and wrapped her arms round his middle, closing her eyes while he ran his fingers gently through her messy hair.

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