Like it or not, I love Clarisse La Rue

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A/N: heya! so I hope you guys enjoy this one-shot! :) hahah


"who are you?"

"I'm Clarisse La Rue! Daughter of Ares" the girl sneered and moved the point of her spear closer to my neck. I tried not to shake, its only my second day, but this is not what I expected. This girls a year younger than me anyway! 'man up' I thought.

"Spears are stupid" I smirked; hiding the fear she seemed to be feeding off. Amazingly before I could even finish my smirk, I was on the floor.

"What did you say about maimer, punk!?" the girl, Clarisse, glared at me. Making herself look even scarier than she already did, which was hard.

"Don't you mean lamer?"

Before I could even think over the words that had came out of my mouth, her strong fist had met my face. That was gonna bruise tomorrow. I have never felt that much fear.


I watched the girl training, the one I watched train almost every day. The way her body moved, the way the other campers moved out her way. I was awe-struck. Simply to say.

I watched as, laughing, she knocked a boy out with a simple jab to the throat. That was some serious skill. Stepping to the side I allowed the camper to be carried out.

I watched as she beat a new kid, without even a weapon. The fight was over in less than a minute. Ouch.

I watched as she fought someone twice the size of her. Jumping and slicing quicker than I could comprehend. She won, again, I don't know why he bothered.

I watched when Clarisse, counsellor of the Ares cabin, looked up. I knew she had seen me. Before she could even move I ran. She may leave me in awe - but she also frightens the hades out of me.


I didn't understand as this girl, a girl I knew was somewhere in my mind, came out of the darkness. My mind couldn't piece anything together; it was like fuzz. All I knew was I had to get some string, but I couldn't leave this dark room. I was too afraid, trapped here in the looming darkness.

She came over and started talking, I wanted to answer. To listen. But my brain just wouldn't allow it, so I sat and faced the wall blankly. Letting her voice go over my head.

She tried to give me food. Nectar. Ambrosia. But it was like I was seeing right through her, I didn't even know her name. I did, I was sure, I just couldn't remember. She tried again, and again. Never giving up. But she should give up, because I am a lost cause. I'm helpless.


Even though I'm out of the labyrinth, and I'm alive. Nothing's any different.

People still stare as I walk by. People still whisper about me over dinner. People still avoid working with me. And it hurts, she's the only person who really talks to me. Clarisse La Rue. No-one understands why. No-one but me.

She saved me, gave me a second chance. She gives me hope that one day, things might get better.


I smiled in pride as the daughter of Ares, Clarisse La rue, leapt up and ran towards the darakon, single handedly. I should be worried, but I knew if anyone could kill it, it was her. Even without armour.

Even when I was fighting and dodging monster attacks, I kept an eye on her. She wasn't weak - far from it. But she had just watched a friend die, I didn't want her to die as well.

Afterwards, everyone looked to her. She was a leader; she had respect from everyone. I held her hand, showing her I was there. She didn't need it, but I like to think she liked it. She's strong, brave and loyal, and she has my utmost respect.


Over all the years many emotions have passed through mine and Clarisse's relationship. But there is no denying it; she is smart, strong, brave, a leader and loyal. She doesn't show emotions much, she's still a bully to the younger kids. No-one hassles me now, they're too scared of her.

Because like it or not, I love Clarisse La Rue.

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