(Billy and Goodnight)- Our Little Bounty Hunter

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Hia! It has been so butterscotching long hasn't it?! I'm so so so super sorry about not updating in so long. School is a frog on a log sometimes. Any way this was a super fun request to make. A lot longer than my usual ones. I also have never wrote I fight seen before! So I hope this was acceptable. Warnings: Being mean to Billy(how could they), some swears(nothing bad(I'm a good Christian girl)), and also lets just pray for Bill(a guy in this fic). That poor boy. Okie Dokie Artichokies! Fine Reading!

Requested by: @_when_stars_fall_

B/N= Your Bounty Hunter Name

Words: 1078


"And then he... He.... He tripped and fell into the horses pen and fell into-" You cut yourself off with your own giggles as you gripped onto Billy's shoulder trying not to fall as the two of you made your way up the stairs of the saloon. Billy rolled his eyes as he caught you from hitting the wall after another one of your giggle fits.

"Come on, Y/N, Goody is waiting inside." Billy sighed with a hint of amusement.

"Can't let him get to tipsy without me, huh?" You giggled.

"I think you may already be there." You laughed up at him.

"Drunk on happiness, darling!" You retorted as the two of you entered the building. Looking around you spotted Goodnight sitting at a table cradling a whiskey. You gripped Billy's hand and began dragging him to the table.

"Well if it isn't my beloved Y/N! And you brought Billy too. Must be my lucky day," Goodnight said as you reached him. You leaned down and kissed him on the cheek before plopping yourself down in the chair next to him. Billy let go of your grip and took place on the other side of Goodnight, placing his hand on Goodnights thigh.

"Well, I couldn't separate my two favorite cowboys, now could I?" You smiled. A saloon girl swayed over and placed another whiskey in front of Goody, one in front of Billy, and a brandy in front of you. You raised an eyebrow at Goodnight.

"What? That is what you wanted right?" Your smile grows larger.


About two hours later and Goodnight is leaning far back into his chair singing old lullaby songs and Billy is playing pool with a rowdy bunch of three other cowboys. You, of course, were watching happily as Billy was winning the game. You laughed as Billy collected money off the other men. Well, two of the men.

"That ain't fair! Ye cheated, ye half man!" The man, that seemed to be the leader of the group, yelled. "Ain't that right, Joel?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that right, Sammy!" The man named Joel agreed. You began to tense in your seat, and even Goodnight seemed to sober up a bit. Billy didn't even flinch as the three men started to walk closer.

"Joel, Bill, I thinks we have to teach this mutt here a lesson," Sammy sneered out as he grew closer. You rose from your seat and walked over to the boys.

"Billy, let's go," You suggested as you grabbed his arm and pushed him towards the table.

"Hey, where you think you going little miss? Off to play wife to a half man?" Bill questioned, grabbing your arm. You pivoted on your left foot and hit him square in the jaw. He toppled over into his friend, Joel. Sammy's hands rolled into fists. Joel pushed Bill off of him and pulled his gun out of his holster. Bill recovered and did the same.

"I'm not off to play wife with no one," You retorted. You cursed to yourself as you realized you forgot your gun at your table. "Now, I'm going to give y'all one chance to walk out of this here little saloon nice and easy, or B/N ain't going to be happy." You could see all of their faces darken. Oh they had heard of B/N. One of the scariest and deadliest bounty hunters in all of the state.

"B/N ain't here." He hesitantly responded. "So we ain't leaving. He pulled his gun.

You quickly reached out and grabbed the pole cue Bill had dropped after you punched him.

"Bring it on," You challenged as you broke the pole stick on your knee. You dodged to the left as Joel's bullet raced past your head. As Bill cocked his gun to fire, you stood and brought one end of the stick onto the side of his head, knocking his hat on the floor and making him go unconscious.

You quickly turned and chucked the same side you just used on his friend at Joel's torso. The broken, rough wood scratched across his chest leaving a nasty gash.

"Ah, Jesus!" He yelled holding his gun up once again at your head. You dropped the other side of the stick and picked up a chair next to you. You turned in a circle and let go. The chair flew out of your grasp and hit Joel, sending him onto the floor. He fired his gun as he fell and you ducked under the bullet. You ran forward and grabbed the gun from his hand, using the butt of it to knock him out. You slowly stood up and turned to face the only man still left.

You blew your strand of hair that came undone out of your face and straightened out your clothes. Looking down at the gun, you cocked it and slowly raised it up until it was pointing right at Sammy's head. His gun was still trained on you but he hadn't fired, and by his face you could tell he was scared.

"Listen, Miss! If I woulda know ye were the B/N, I wouldn't of messed with yer man!" He exclaimed, shaking slightly. You didn't respond but instead kept your gaze and arm steady. You tilted your head and raised an eyebrow, just like you did earlier with Goody.

"Listen, B/N! I mean it. I really do. I d-" A shot rang out. Sammy crumpled to the floor. You lowered the gun, still smoking, to your side. A groan sounded out behind you, and you glanced over your shoulder and shot the gun at the waking Bill. You then went over and stomped on Joel's knee causing him to scream.

"Real manly," You commented walking towards the door where Billy and Goodnight were standing. You paused right before reaching the two and turned on the spot. "I'm keeping your gun." Smiling down at the dead body of Joel.

"Hot damn, that's my girl," Goodnight whooped behind you. Turning you saw Billy holding him around the waste to hold him steady. "Jesus, Billy. Ain't she something!"

"Yes, Goody she is," Billy smiled at you and grabbed your hand. "Thank you," As the three of you walked down the street towards the stables Goodnight let go of Billy and came to your other side grabbing your other hand.

"Sometimes I forget, Billy, that our sweet little Y/N here is really the feared B/N. Our little bounty hunter!" You smiled and leaned into Goody's shoulder and wrapped your arm around Billy's waist.

"What a good day," You thought.

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