(Red Harvest)- Savior

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Hello! I was really tired and thought of this while trying to sleep. It actually turned out pretty well and I super proud of it! I know I just did a Red Harvest one, but I felt like this idea best fit him. I will try to do someone else next instead of him. Warnings include: blood, death, and... idk. probably some other stuff. Okie Dokie Artichokies! Good reading!

Words: 1820 (She's a long one)


'Run! Come on Y/N, all you have to do is keep running!" You screamed in your head as you did just that. "Don't stop, you can't stop." Ducking around trees and jumping over fallen twigs, you could hear your heart beating. Your lungs ached, and they were begging you to stop, but you couldn't do that. 


 The beating got even louder and, if even possible, your legs moved quicker. Your head throbbed; you touched a hand to your temple and pulled it back to see blood. The only things going through your brain was 'Don't stop!' though.

"Y/N! You can't run from me!"

His voice sounded so much closer than it was before. Your head whipped around to your left and right making sure you couldn't see him. That was a mistake though, because as soon as you turned your head back forward you didn't have time to process the large branch laying in the middle of your path. 

"AH!" You screamed, as you tripped and fell over the branch. Quickly, you looked to see the scratches, and the blood flowing from them, running down you arms and legs.  

"Check the right, I heard her scream!"

'Oh no. No!' You tried to stand in order continue your previous speed but found you couldn't. Your foot was stuck in the large stick. Hearing the sound of multiple sets of hooves growing closer, you started panicking. You tried to use all of your strength to get your foot out, but you couldn't. You were in to much of a state of panic to register the tears falling down your face or the blood running from your forehead into your vision.

"We are getting close, I can feel it,"

Your breath stopped and you tried to stop the sobs from escaping your lips. You didn't want to die this way. Dirty, bleeding, clothes ripped, and laying on the forest floor. And you knew for certain that when he and his friends found you, they wouldn't kill you quick. So, you supposed, it wouldn't be to bad if they couldn't find you and you just ended up starving here. That would be better, wouldn't it?

"I found a footprint, James, she came this way,"

"Are you the she?" Your head shot up from the forest floor. Standing above you was a great white horse. You began to panic, thinking one of the men found you, until you saw the man on top dismount. Even through your tear and blood blurred eyes, you could clearly see the Native American features. Under every circumstance, you would have ran away. You had grown up knowing the dangers of the red skinned men, but then again no one told you the dangers of your own family. 

"Please! Please just kill me now. Don't let them take me back! " You begged. "God, just please, don't let them take me home,"

"I won't kill you," He was crouched by your foot now, and was looking at the branch that was twisted around it. Then, he took out his knife from its place on his belt and started cutting the part around your captured ankle.

"Oh please! They won't pay you, you know! Whatever they said they would pay you, they won't. They will just take me and then kill you! So just kill me and run away,"

"I can hear something over here, Buck!"

The stranger finally cut through the branch and came over to your torso. He grabbed you around the waist and threw you over his shoulder.

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