The Roachoteer

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(Mr.wing) mike can you come up here please.(mike part) excuse me hey,hey how are you doing jacob? (Jacob part) becareful mikie. (Mike p) yes wings   ( Mr.wing p) ain't this the roachoteer?(mike p.) Yes it is,wait a minute how did he get here so fast? (Stanley p) we don't know how he got here he was here when we arrived!!! (Mike p) well who gave me this letter. ( letter say's) to mike the one that's always believed in me...warn the other's that the humans are coming...RT (mike p) what a minute thats not the roachoteer? (Mr.wing's p) well who is it than mike? (Melinda p) watch it wing's!!! may I have everyone's attention and mikie especially you. that's our brother Marvin....I'm so sad you had to find out like this little bro.(mike p) so the time we run from Spidey? (Melinda p) that was him. (Mike p) so on avenue showbox when it was burn down and we all got away? (Melinda p) that was him also... (Mike p) so at roachawood middle school the bully johnny? (Melinda p) that was me mikie. (Mike p) so did mom and dad know??(Boom!!!) ( mike p) it's the humans!!! Everbody Run...(Mr.wing's p) everybody please remain claim... And Stanley do not go out that door!!! You will put all of our kid's life in danger. (Jacob p) Stanley if you open that door it will be your funeral after this offended mikie!!! (Mike p) none taken... (Ms.Wing's p) jessica and ellen can you round up the kid's peacefully and quietly... Thanks ladies!!! (Melinda p) but why those too they don't even alone. (Ms.wings p) well would you like too melinda? (Melinda p) well maybe not today!!! But one day,one day...( mr.wing's p) Stanley can you go with the ladies and kid's since your still at the door? (Stanley p) Not a problem wing' need speed when Stanley's in the lead... (ellen p) well take the lead mr.speed.

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