rise of the wiggie dealers

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A/N: this chapter is deadicated to the wolf sweater that has been sitting on my neighbors drive away for tha past week………… u inspire me so much……. ❤ i hope u lik it ♊💙🐉

(dudeydumb pov)
“it must be tiring carriying all thos geckos around”........ I say mysteriously… “no thank u. they only weigh 5729 kgs.” he reptiles. ‘Wow... skiny legends!’ i think. “What if we turned the gecknos into peeple? They could be our army of helpers when we play pranks……” muahawhawhahwa i laugh eviliey “mr norris and filth would never C it coming. We culd feed them pollpumpkin juice potions” i say (A/N: mr norrsis is tha caretaker and filth is his ugli cat. they have been aliving since the beginning of time thats why they were at hodwarts when dumbli went to sckool ok) “Ooh gud idea” says voldietort….” but we wou.d need a name for them…” i think aboot (A/N: im canadian so i have to say it lick this dont h8 in the comments ok) it for a while.

Then 3 hours later we are sitting in the snakeyrin commons “what aboot we call the gekos………… the wiggly bois?” i screm loudly, waking up everyone who is taking a nap on the floor. They all sit up and scream as well, then they open their eyes and speed walk out of the commons. “Good,,,,,,,, we are finally alone .. i can be free” says voldie, he flexs his arms, ripping off his sleevs but his arms come off with them. “Oops” he says and i attach them back to his bod with majic. His arms are now only covered with fantastical gekcos. “I was thinkning… we could call the the wiggle dealers… becuz they wiggle…..???” i like this idea…..

(voldie pov)
I have been thinking of this idea for seventeen weeks now… feeding my babies the polli potion would make them strong……. Strong enough to play the worst trick of all…. Going to a mcr concert desguyized as them and then ripping off our maskz n scaring every1… i think dumbelldork will like my plan but i will save it for another seventeen and a half years b4 i will tell him.  “We shall call them the wiggle dealers then…” says drumbledoo. 

(dumbelboar pov)
“Let us begin the process” i say. We mix up some polely juice potion and put it into juice boxes for the geckos to drink from…. They drink it alll up. “slurp” says one of them. suddenly 128 nasty people apeer in front of my eyes. “Wow……… akdbhfhdhsjda” i say. “I couldn’t say it better myself” says the grimy girl (gecko) sitting next to me. I look over at voldie and he has a satanist smile on his face, it makes him luk even uglier. I am staring at all the nasty gremlin peeple quand soudain… one of them turns into an omanyte. (A/N: if u dont know what dat is den get da heck outta here!)

voldie and i look at eachothr “oh no. the potion must not have workded” he says in a monotone voice. i kicc the sickening omanyte in the face and it turns bac into a person. “Thank satan!1” says voldie. I stair at him weird becuz i think he is a satanist and he just said the number 1 out loud….. what kinda goblin….. Then i staire at all the gecko peope and tell them to go to the attic for safe keeping. They go upstairs and instantly fall asleep. The wiggle dealers start to snor…… gross.  I go bak to the commons and see voldie is gone!!!!!! i begin to cri for the 47th time today…...

A/N: omg wher did valdie go :0

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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