Chapter 21

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Picture of Rafeeah above.                        .                                                  

Rafeeah's P.O.V.                                                  

"Keh dalla come outside and ask your guards to let me in."my friend fateemah blurted out in anger.

"What!! you are outside."I exclaimed on the other hand surprised.

"No am on top of your head idiot if you add two more minutes wallahi am leaving."she said and hung up.

I quickly put on my veil cause I know what fateemah can do so this is one of the smallest things she can do compared to other things that she did before.

When I went to the entrance no one was there netheir is fateemah nor any guards.I hissed before turning to go back.

"Am swear am going to f******k kill you."I spitted out when I heard fateemah laughter that was coming from the garden.

"Fatee..."I couldn't stop because of what I saw.Fateemah was seated on a chair and opposite her is yarima.Yh you heard me right it was yarima,I couldn't believe my eyes so I kept blinking but I kept seeing same person.

So yarima can laugh like this,I asked no one but my self.The way his eyes were close while laughing hysterically with a hand on his stomach was really a great site to watch.
Seeing him like that made me smile.

"See I've told you she would come out instantly and half madly and that makes me win the bet."fateemah said laughing.

"Half madly,half madly."were the words I kept repeating in my head.Then it finally came to my senses what she meant by that.I was wearing a black strip less gown which was decorated with stones all over,it fitted me so tight and it has a sleek at the back.My long black hair that was twisted earlier today was stretched all the day below my waist,I have a pretty long hair Masha Allah.I mistook a net to be a veil which I used in covering my hair so all my hair was visible.

"Yeah you are right,have your money then."yarima said lessening his laughter and handed fateemah a five bundle of one thousand naira notes.

Wait did I hear them right,they just placed a bet on me.How could they and am sure this is all fateemah's idea.

"Am not going to spare you fateemah."I growled out angrily before running towards fateemah.Before I could get there,she got the alert and ran off.I followed her and that's how we kept running in cycles before I felt large warm hands encoded me from behind.My back contacted with a broad muscular thick chest,it felt warm and goosebumps formed all over my body because of the contact.

"Enough babe let her go mana."I had a familiar thick coarse yet sweet voice said.It was yarima's voice.I turned around and saw him glaring at me.Before I could say anything I felt myself dragged into a corner inside the garden.

"Are you could you come out dressed like that.Sevants are spread every nock and corner in the palace."yarima yeld at me.

"Am sorry I was just worried,I was afraid that fateemah could leave."I said using a pitiful voice.He hissed before calling jakadiya.

"Come to the garden along with an alkyabba right now."he ordered her.We stood there in silence before jakadiya came along with a red and black alkyabba.She greeted us all before helping me wear the alkyabba.



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