chapter 25

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Rafeeah's P.O.V

Its been two weeks since after s turaki and his wife Aleeyah visited.Life here in America has started to be boring like yell cause it's like am living all alone.Yarima has been really busy this days cause he is working really had to setup his business.I just have to thank God that there are lots of maids here and very friendly too so I get along with them pretty well especially Laura,she takes care of me and respects me.

Last two weeks after mama spoke to me about her friens daughter that was also married and based here,I called up Aunty Rakiya-moms friend and she sent me her daughter's phone number.She told me that she has already given safeenah-her daughter my phone number.After some hours safeenah called me and we exchanged each other's address.After that she has come to my house thrice without me going not even once,that got her furiousband she said she would never come to my house again unless I went to hers.I,apologized to her and seek permission from yarima to go to her house and he granted me the permission.

So here I am getting ready to go her house.Safeenah is a very nice and friendly girl and on top of that she was kind just like her mother.She has lived in America for almost three years now and she has now gotten used to the environment cause her accent has now slightly changes to America's accent.She's got a three years old child named Areef.

After I finished dressing up in my black and golden Abayah,I put on my veil with some light makeup before I left my room making sure to grab my clutch and my phone.

"Hey Laura am going to safeenah's house you remember her."I said to Laura when I met her downstairs.

"Ofcourse ma'am,she's the only friend u've got."Laura said jokingly.

"Am off,bye Laura."I said smiling and walking towards the door.

"Bye ma'am."she replied.

"Chicago southside."I said to the driver.

"Yes ma'am."he said and we took off.

After fifteen minutes of driving we arrived at safeenah's house cause it wasn't difficult to locate.

The house was pretty good Masha Allah,it isn't too big but it is beautiful.
It has ornamental plants and roses all over the house which enhances the beauty of the house.I picked my phone from my clutch and called her and told her that I've arrived and she came running out.

She lead me inside before we exchanged greetings.

"Finally!you came."she exclaimed and I laughed.

"ello Aunt Rafeeah."her three years old son areef greeted me in his childish language.

"Ello Areef,look what aunty bought for you."I said mimicking how he's talking and handed him bunch of chocolates.

"Ank you aunty."he thanked me.

"Okay areef go play with nanny."aleeyah said.

The innocent boy left giggling.

"So how is your married life now."aleeyah asked focusing on me.

Maybe I forgot to mention but Aleeyah knows how am living with my husband.Don't misunderstand me,I know that marriage is a secret between a husband and his wife but believe me somethings aren't made to be kept secret.Sometimes you have to let go and let feelings and emotions flow.

"It's okay."I gasped.

"What do you mean okay,there isn't any kind of improvement or something."she asked again but this time around disappointed and slowly the excitement was gradually fading away.

"Th,he has been busy lately that's why I guessed."I said knowing perfectly well what would happen next.

As I thought Spartan quickly grappled her iPad and speed dial fateemah to video chat with her.Yes fateemah my bestfriend.When I first meet aleeyah,I called up fateemah and gisted her about our first encounter and she immediately said she wants aleeyah's number and I gladly gave her.Since that day we've become three best friends.

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