chapter 22

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I will never forget you,you will always be by my side.From the day that I met,I knew I will love you till the day I die.And I will never want much more and in my heart I will always be sure.I will never forget you,and you will always be by my side.Till the day I die................

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Rafeeq's P.O.V

"Make sure my pj land in eight hours time okay."I was ordering my pilot through the phone when suddenly I started hearing voices as if people were quarreling.

"You have to let me in,she is my childhood friend and am here to say my goodbyes to her before leaving."a tall,pretty fair skinned lady yelled to the bodyguards who were guarding our chamber.

"Sorry ma'am we weren't informed that any visitor is coming so you can go in please kindly back out."one of the bodyguards said.

"Listen her...."the young lady couldn't complete her statement because I intrude in the conversation.

"What going on here."I asked with ultimate and absolute power.

"Yarima this woman here is claiming to be ma'am best friend and ma'am didn't told us that she's expecting visitors."another bodyguard answered with out most respect.

"Oh I see."I exclaimed.

"Greetings my prince."the lady greeted me bowing down teasingly.I couldn't even answered her back because I sensed she was mocking me.

"Just please ask this people to get out of my way."I said to yarima annoyed.

"Why don't you just call your friend out here then we will all know if you two are best friends or not."I said.

"Okay I will call her but if I prove myself right then you are going to pay for it."she yelled frustrated.

"Oh really how much then 100k,200k,3..."she interrupted me by shouting

"500k in cash and if you fail to give it then consequences will be followed and if am proved wrong then I will have to pay you the same"she said smirking.

"Deal."I said proudly with my egoistic behavior.

That was how I made the deal with rafeeah's best friend.Am sitted in the first class department of my pj and the so called wife of mine is sitted beside me.Thinking of how she came out last few hours and how I made the deal with her best friend made me giggle.

The way she was running,the way her hair was scattered all over her,how she reacted when I took her in arms.Damn this girl isn't the same as any other girl.

"The flight is about to take off now,the passengers should kindly put on their belts."A young woman of about 20 years old who was dressed in a red and black miniskirt of the flight attendants said.

Both of us did as the flight attendant said and the flight took off.


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