how you meet

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Hey! So I love flashpoint and think there should be more fanfic!
Let me know if you have some or know some I might not know.
Request are open too

Greg: You were the leader of team 2 and you were called to give information to team 1. "Sergent Parker, sergent y/l/n is here."
"Bring her in" Parker said.
You walked into Greg's office.
"Hello, sergent y/l/n. Come in" Greg says as he shakes your hand.
"Thank you Sergent Parker." You say shaking his hand.

Ed: "The new recruit is here." You heard Greg say to the rest of the team.
You walk into the room to find the rest of the team.
"Everyone this is y/n y/l/n." Greg introduces.
"Y/n this is Sam, Jules, Spike, Wordy and finally Ed, our team leader."
"Hi. Nice to meet you all" you smile.
You shake everybody's hand. When you got to Ed, you couldn't help but look right into his eyes. (It wasn't awkward).

Spike: You just had a talk with Greg Parker and you bump into someone. Oh no you think. You don't want to see who you crashed into. You open your eyes and find a man with brown hair and big brown eyes.
"I'm so sorry" you spluter
" I wasn't looking where I was going." He said with a slight blush.
"Spike this is our new recruit, y/n."
"Nice to meet you I'm Spike." He said with a smile. Omg his dimples. You laughed.
"Well I need to introduce her to the rest of the team" Greg said dragging you away from him.
Then Spike realized Greg already said his name.

You were waiting to meet team 1, your knew "family."
"Hey Sam! This our new recruit" Greg called out to a guy.
The boy walked over. He had blonde hair a beautiful blue eyes.
"Hi. Sam Braddock." he takes out his hand.
"Y/n. Y/n y/l/n." You take his hand.
Greg had secretly slipped away.
You two just looked at each other awkward.
" you want me to take you on a tour?" Sam asked.
"Uh..yeah, yeah sure. Thanks" you smile.
"No problem" he smiles back.

Wordy: "We need an EMS now!" Ed called.
"Ed what happened" asked Jules.
"Wordy has been shot."
Few minutes later. EMS arrives.
"Over here Wordy" said Ed helping him to a bed.
You help Wordy on the bed.
"Shot, twice" replied Ed.
"Hey Sir, I need you to stay with me. You are going to be okay." You said to the guy on the stretcher.
He just moans. You take his face.
"Sir, can you hear me?"
"" he chokes out.
3 hours later
"Thanks" says the guy.
"Just doing my job, sir"
"Its Wordy" he shakes his hand.
You smile "y/n"
Do u want me to add Jules?

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