Alya's POV
"I am Professor Snape, I am a wizard and we are here to take you the school of hogwarts, of witchcraft and wizardry." Snape said as soon as we get in the car. Finally saying something
"What?" I say, thinking this is a huge joke.
"You're a witch Alya." he responds.
"Prove it." I say not beliving him.
he just shakes his head, then says "I hate these muggle cars."
Muggles? okay then...
Next thing I know he drops me of in front of a building with this huge man outside.
"See you monday potter." Snape says, then leaves
What? He cant just-!
"Ello their, my names Hagrid. " the giant man says, suddenly facing me.
"Alya." I respond
"I know who ye are, I reckon everyone does, erm now. " he says
okay then...
"Well lets get on with is, you will be a fourth year. Lets go get your wand, I picked up everything else."
"With what money?" I asked
"you think your parents left you empty handed did ya? Oh far from it, I would take you to see but we are on a tight schedule"He responds
"oh, okay." I say unsurely
we walk to a place called Ollavanders, and hagrid tells me to go in, and he gives me a few coins.
"I'll be back, I need to go get something from the bank." Then he just abandons me
I walk into the sketchy shop, and no one was in their.
"hello?" I say, their was no response for a bit, but then a man comes out of no where
"Ah, Miss Potter, didn't know I'd see you until today." he responds.
"well come on lets get you a wand!" He says excitedly
He grabs a few wands, but after I swoosh them and an almost explosion happens he is always like,no, no, no.
"ah, how about this one, an 13 inch with a dragon heartstring as the core. Very powerful. You know who has one, along with your brother, miss potter." He says
why not.
I give is another swoosh, and then ll of the damage i did repaired itself.
"I should have known." He says.
I give him the coins, along with a thank you and I leave the shop.
I had no clue where I was, or anything about this place, but I liked it. I couldn't see hagrid, so me being me, wonders off to a random place, And as I get closer i read 'Zonkos
I walk in and since I had a few coins left, why not spend it. It was really crowded, and tons of kids where getting in my way. I feel a tap on my shoulder and so I turn around,
"Need some help, love?" a Tall redheaded person asked
"sure." I replied
"Okay, the names George, George Weasley." He says smiling
"Nice to meet you George, my names Alya, Alya Potter." I respond
"Potter? I got to tell Fred!" he says all excitedly. He pulls me upstairs, and any normal person would think he's kidnapping me, but I go along with it. We walk into a room with another george in it and a younger my ageish george.
"Fred, Look who I found!" George says with happiness.
"Who?!?" the apperant Fred and younger george ask
"Potter! Alya Potter!" he basically yells
"WHAT!" they yell
they all come closer to me and i just am terrified. How do they know me!
"Names Ron, Thats fred, nd you have already met george!" Younger geo-Ron says
"how do you know me?" I ask
"everyone knows you, youre practically famous!" Fred said
"how? " i question
"youre the girl who lived! and the girl we forgot!" They all say
"Im so confused."
then suddenly Hagrid walks in, saving me from the Weasleys.
"Well we shall leave it up to Dumbledore to explain." He interupts
Then he pulls me out and takes me to a train station, randomly. Its like we magically appeared there. He hands me a ticket, and leaves, with few words spoken.
I look at the ticket, and I read Platform 9 3/4.
"but Hagrid, there is no 9 3/4" I say, but when I look up he is gone.
I decide to wonder around, and I find 9 and 10 but not the one im looking for. I already tried to ask someone, but they were just plain rude.
"Ugh these muggles. Well come on boys lets go." My head turns as soon as I hear Muggles, as I recognized the word Snape had used. I walked over to them, and I saw them just run into the walls, except just disapearing. I waited for them to go, and leave, then I decided to just run. and run I did. Next thing I know i read Platform 9 3/4
I spot the conductor, and give him my ticket as I get on. I headed towards the back of the train because I like the back. I walk in, and I see all these people staring at me. I ignore them, and find a compartment. I sat there for not even a minute when a guy with Platinum Blonde hair and grey eyes comes in.
"Looks like someone is in my spot. What shall I do?" he said, clearly not impressed
"Well technically it doesn't have your name on it, cause I dont see any names." I say, defending my spot.
"Draco's the name." He says
"Well I dont see the name Draco anywhere." I say not giving up
"okay, guess I shall sit with you, since youre obviously very lonely." Draco says sitting down.
"Well, my name is Alya. " I respond
"Well Alya, what year are you?" He asks
"Fourth, what about you?" I ask
"same as you. What house are you? Im Slytherin" He continues
"Well, im new, so I dont have a house?" I guess, not knowing this place has houses
"well, I guess we will find out today. But honestly anything than bloody Gryfindor or Hufflepuff." He says. Well I guess I don't want those houses.
"Okay, thanks for the advice." I respond
And the conversations continue like that, not very interesting, but Im glad, because I just met the dude, im not telling him anything too personal.

A Potter
Fanfiction"You cant love me, I am a Potter!" "A Potter that has been my my side since day one!" - Alya was born August 1, 1980. The night James and Lily Potter died everyone was focused on the boy who lived, no one giving a second thought to the girl that l...