Neko! Tom x Neko! Reader

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Your p.o.v
Its Sunday afternoon. YES! Sunday afternoon is my lazy day where I do nothing for the rest of the day. But plans had to change, didn't they. My three doggo friends are trying to get me out of my bedroom. Keyword: trying. I locked the door for extra measures. Tord was banging on my bedroom door and yelling for me to come out of my room. I just stand on the opposite side then slide down the door. "Might as well just give up cause im not coming out." I said. Tord stopped banging on my bedroom door and said he gives up. 'Finally'  I thought. Edd knocked on my door gently as possible, so I opened the door for him. "Sup, Edd. Need something?" I asked sarcastically as I leaned on the door frame. "Can you please come with us to the park?" Edd asked with his tail swinging from side to side. "Sorry, can't. The park isn't really my thing." I said. I patted Edd's head. Edd's ears lay flat on his head. "Come on, guys. She's not coming." Edd said sadly. Edd walked out the door with the guys following. I felt bad for Edd, but like I said park's aren't my thing. I walked to Tom's bedroom. Tom was a neko like me. I maybe had a little crush on Tom. I was gonna tell him today, but I was nervous with thoughts roaming my mind. 'what if he rejects me? What if he hates me? What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? What if--'  I shook my head from side to side. ' Ok (Y/n), stop thinking negative!! You can do this,' I thought to myself. I knocked on the door gently. The door opened revealing Tom looking like he just got over a hangover. "A-are you okay, T-tom?" I asked him while I had a worried look on my face. "Im fine. I just didn't get a lot of sleep." He said trying to convince me he was fine. "Oh, o-okay." I said. Then I remember what I came to his room for. "Hey, Tom." I asked. "Yeah?" He asked as he walked to his bed and sat down. "Do you wanna watch a movie with me?!" I asked very fast cause I didn't want to tell him what I really came in here for. "Sure. You go look for a movie we can watch, give me a second to recover this sleepiness disease." He said as he layed down. "Okay." I answered and ran downstairs to the living room. My tail was swinging from side to side cause I was excited to spend time with my crush.

Tom's p.o.v
Ugh. Im so tired, but I can't go to sleep because I agreed to watch a movie with (Y/n). My life is so difficult. But hey I get to spend time with my crush. Yeah, I liked (Y/n). I just to much of a scaredy cat to tell her. I sat up on my bed and got up. I walked down the stairs and saw (Y/n) going through the movie's like I asked her. I guess I scared her because her ear twitched. Proably because of the noisy stairs. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed one of Edd's cola's. I went back into the living room just to find (Y/n) staring at me, for some reason. I walked up to her and sat down beside her. I waved my hand in front of her face to get her attention. She shook her head and looked at me. "What movie are we gonna watch?" I asked her while sipping on the cola. "Dead silence. Are you up for a spooky movie?" She said/asked. "That movie sounds, ok. And im not gonna get scared." I told (Y/n). "Okay." She said.

*Timeskip to the end of the movie*

The credits started rolling and it was already midnight. I got a text from Edd saying that him and the guys are spend the week at Rose's house. Rose is a friend of Edd's. But anyway, I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I turned my head to see what it is and saw (Y/n) leaning on my shoulder. Blush crept up onto my face. I moved her head from my shoulder to my lap. I started stroking her (h/c) (hair color) hair. "Nngh..T-tom?" (Y/n) asked as she opened her eyes a little bit. I immediately stop touching her hair. And said: "Yeah?" I waited for a response.  "..." Nothing. Must have fallen back asleep. I carried her upstairs and to her bedroom. I set her on the bed gently and was about to leave until something grabbed my wrist. I turned around and saw (Y/n) holding onto my wrist. "Please stay with me?" She asked with sleepiness in her voice. I couldn't say no to her, so I layed down with her. She snuggled up to my chest. My face got redder by the minute. She looked so cute. I wrapped my arms around her and wrapped my tail around her leg. She did the same, she wrapped her tail around my leg. "Tom?" She asked as she looked up at me. "Yeah?" I asked as looked down at her. "I love you." She told me and kissed my cheek, then fell asleep. I was blushing so hard. I smile a little bit. "I love you, too." I whispered in her ear. A little smile appeared on her face. I kissed her cheek and went to sleep.
This one-shot is cute. Until next time.....

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