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The human face has many purposes, one of which is to convey emotions, to tell what was going on in the mind of an individual. Dr. Martin's face at the moment was a hotel for emotions, a hotel that seemed to be making a lot of money. This surprised me as he usually wore a poker face.

"I am a psychiatrist, it is not my job to give an opinion." He had once told me when I asked about his lack of emotions.

The reason for his reaction was that I had finally written about the event that had me seeing a psychiatrist. You see, I had been raped, not by an individual but by three gown men at the age of 15. But I had already gotten counselling for that trauma in the last two years, it still bothered me when I think about it  though. It was the discovery that I had made during that horrible moment that plagued me. 

"Does this mean what I think it does, Damien?" he looked at me, his poker face on again.

"Yes Kalvin, it does...... wait, what do you think it means?" I looked at him dead in the eyes, daring him to say it. His left eye twitched, I leaned to one side in my chair and gazed at him harder.

"You think that you may be bisexual, gay even. And you don't know how to process it."

"Wow Kalvin, you really are special. I knew you'd figure it out sooner or later. Well, later, but you get what I'm saying." 

"Damien, I really think that you should really tone down on the sarcasm. It will get you nowhere with me."

But it is," I leaned forward, "It's annoying you." 

"I'm here to help you, not be your toy, so if you don't want my help you should get someone else." He looked me dead in the eyes. He was angry, I could see it by the way he was tapping his pen against his clipboard. I guess after two years of me trying to get under his skin, he would crack.

"Ok fine, for the rest of the session I will not use sarcasm, deal?"

He looked sceptical "Ok then," he agreed, "Now about your entry, why did you suddenly decide to write about it. In the last two years, as far as I was concerned you were raped, yes, but by one person. So why now?"

I opened my mouth to answer but the alarm on my watch sounded indicating that it was now 2pm; the session was up. "Well I guess that's it for the day. See ya, Kalvin." I got up and headed for the door.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" he asked. I looked back at him and smiled, he shook his head. "See you next week, Damien"

I walked out of the building and headed to my car, a Lamborghini Veneno Roadster

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I walked out of the building and headed to my car, a Lamborghini Veneno Roadster. Since it was Saturday, I decided to head to my favourite diner. I came a lot after the accident as I needed to get out of the house because of my mother continuously breathing down my neck, asking if I was okay. 

I played my FREE 6LACK album as I drove. I sang along to Rules, and tried to blank my mind. Soon enough I was parking at the diner. I was about to hop out when I remembered my dangmattsmith hoodie. I quickly got it from the backseat and pulled it on. 

The Reality of A Rape Victim Who Just Happens To Be GayWhere stories live. Discover now