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Danny self consciously takes her hand. It was like a benefit for himself because she was his security, it was as simple as that - or so he thought.
"Are you nervous?"
He shakes his head slowly, though it appears the movements aren't there at all. His insides were like explosions of heaving aches and boiling bloodstreams but the outside was numb and featureless - couldn't seem to focus on reality at all.
"It's okay Daniel, I'm here."
He gripped more firm onto her small dainty fingers, the sweat cool against the heat of his flesh as an effort to relax. Her face grew with concern as she watched over her best friend.
"Want me to come in with you?"
That's when he turned to only look into her dark eyes - buried in depths of fear just as his own. It was like they matched; both their brown eternal iris' colliding like they both belonged together. And Danny honestly believed this.
"Please..." He whispered as a pleading 'yes'.
She smiles up at him, her eyes bright and alluring beautifully. And then suddenly they were in this room. A man in glasses sat before us with a firm look upon his stern face. He crosses his hands and leans back before grunting disapprovingly.
"Mr and Mrs O'Donoghue."
"What? No, no." Danny lurked forward, his nervous system turning into a slush of embarrassment - but not for himself. "She, I...we're not a couple. She's just..."
And then he locked eyes with her, those fascinating eyes he had fallen for since day one. "She's...just a friend."
A sigh escaped at the end with a unsatisfactory thought of her only ever being his "friend".
"I see," The man nods slightly before hovering over a pile of paper work.
"You and...your friend came yesterday, correct?"
They both nodded and with this the man cleared his throat as though he was making an announcement. An announcement that could change their lives for better or worse.
"And since that appointment we have done many tests on your health Mr O'Donoghue and in all honesty - it isn't good news."
"Well what is it? Can you fix it?" His companion butted in, in desperation.
"I'm afraid we went through many complications and the only match is that Mr O'Donoghue may or may not..."
He gasped as he fidgeted for her hand, as though he was trying to grasp at life itself. He could feel his world slipping away as those words sank into his mind.

Hey guys, I'm Chloe
Thank you for reading my introduction, there will be an update for Chapter One tomorrow.
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