Chapter Two

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"I can't breathe." I gasped as I rushed through the corridors.

Those misty blank corridors that seemed to sink my life down hill since the day I set foot in here. Maybe if Serena didn't convince me to come here, maybe if I had just carried on like there was never a throbbing pain deep in my veins, that I felt no pain. But I suppose I'm being childish.

It's nobody's fault - It's the illness' fault.

I would've made it worse, I always do don't I?

"Danny, please!" Her high ridden voice startled me to a stop.

And when I saw the tears glide down her flushed face; I died a little inside.

"I know you're scared Dan but-"

"Why are you crying?"

"Never mind that, now listen-"

"I didn't mean to make you cry. I just..." My fingers laced the warm tears, gently pushing them away from her beautiful facial features. "I just got scared."

Serena nodded, a small weakened smile curving around her lips as she gripped onto my wrists - seemingly not minding the rough skin in contact with hers.

"I will always be here, you got that? If it comes to what the doctors think it is then-"

"Cancer..." I croaked, the word tight in my heart as I tried to keep my tears hidden.

"We'll fight it." She smoothed one finger down my cheekbone before grasping both of my hands in her small ones. "Together."


"I'll put everything on hold...for you."

"But what about your career, the articles...Serena, you can't seriously-"

"I can and I will." She spoke with confidence as she pulled me out of the hospital doors and into the soft

fluttering air of Ireland itself.

"As your best friend, it's my duty."

"You're amazing."

She laughed as I held her tight against my chest, her body tiny and warm against my skin.

"You're so little." I whisper as we pull apart.

"And you're so tall." She leaned forward, and attempted to poke my nose and failing as her finger only came up to my chin. "I like tall though."

"I hate it."

"Really?" She tipped her head to one side.

"Really." I nodded and looked down, my lip self consciously been bitten by my teeth.

I remember those times sticking out with my long loose arms and scrawny body. All those stares I would get, I mean not so much now but at sixteen being 6'3 was hard.

"I like it." And seeing her bright grin seemed to chase the clouds away.

Of course, my heart still raced with the thought of having such a horrific illness. It's not just the word, but the thought of al those surgeries, all those people I could possibly never see again - especially Serena.

I think about it a lot when we're driving down to my current apartment. And when she stops the car and declares we're here, my heart aches with the thought of never seeing those eyes again.

It can't trigger that quickly, right? I don't think I'm prepared to find out.

"Hey..." Her soft Irish voice flowed out in a whisper as she lift my chin up. "It's going to be okay."

I open my mouth to protest but she carefully covers my lips with her finger. The heat from her skin causing my face to burn up as I ache to kiss it.

"I promise - it's going to be okay." Then she leans forward, my heart trembling as her body comes so close to mine.

"Bye Daniel." She smiles as she tugs my car door open.

"Bye Serena."

And then, she's off and I'm lost again.



I hate that word too Danny.

What do you think of the chapter? I actually felt really emotional writing this but it seemed okay. I mean right? Aha

Vote. Comment.

Thank you for reading.


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