chapter 10

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Jide's POV
My phone vibrated in my pocket and I  saw Eniola's name ,I excused my self from Ife and Daniel to pick the call. You are wondering why am at Ife and Daniel's house right

I sat at the back of the car starring at the window ,I did something wrong ,something very wrong I was so lost in thought I didn't hear the driver call my name
"Oga oga oga "
"Sorry Henry what is the problem"
"We don  reach your house"
"Oh,thanks " I said as I existed the car to my room
I was exhausted  physically and emotionally .Am so confused, I don't know what to do ,my girl is hurting and I don't know how to help her to ease her pain ,it hurts to see her like that I wish I can just take away all her pains. I was so deep in thought I didn't hear my mum enter until she shook me
"Jide are you okay ,she said In a very concern tone
" Good evening mum
"Evening Darling ,what's bothering you so much
" nothing much mom
"Come on talk to me am your mother have you forgotten. I sigh, I know I can tell my mum she will understand that why I love  her
" there is this new girl at my school and I really like her but something is bothering her and she won't talk to me and I think she is avoiding me so I went to talk to her and I kissed her without thinking ,I don't even known what I was doing but she was talking too much and was doubting my feelings for her so I kissed and she slapped me and left crying because of me. I don't know what to do mum,I like her and she believes I just want to take advantage of her and now she probably won't talk to me a-ga-in" I said with my voice breaking slightly at the end because of the pain am feeling
"What you did was very wrong but you just need to apologise not breakdown like this
" but she won't talk to me ,she won't even want to see my face ,I said trying so much not tear up because the thought of her not wanting to talk to me or see me again feels like death itself.
"Then go to her house ,somewhere she won't be able to avoid you then you apologise
" but do you think she will forgive me
"Off course she will,no one can stay angry at my boy for so long because you are so cute,she said pinching my cheeks
" am not cute mum am handsome, am a man already
"Naa you are just 17 and even if u are 40 you will still be my baby
I hugged her putting my head on her chest inhaling her scent in the process
" thanks mum ,you are the best
End of flashback
My phone rang pulling me out back from my thought I checked the caller Id and saw it was Daniel .
"Hello ,I  said
" Jide ,are you still at my place
"No why
" shit so Ife is all alone at home ,he said  low to himself very concerned
"Hey what's the problem
" I don't know I just have a weird feeling something is wrong with Ife ,my dad called me and said he has been calling her but she wasn't picking then I tried calling her and it same
"Where are you right now
" am in island but am on my way back ,but with  the traffic on third mainland bridge,I known I won't be home within the next  hour,he said trying to keep himself from crying
"Don't worry am turning right back now to your house am sure she is just sleeping and she is save ,I said trying to calm my self down because of how anxious I was feeling with the thought of something bad happening to her.
" I know but I just can't help but  worry,I known something is bothering her but she won't tell anybody, she even told my parent if due to school bu....,he started rambling am sure he is probably a nervous wreck right now.
"Daniel listen to me ,you are driving right now and I know you are worried about Ife i am too but I need you to concentrate on driving am already on the way back to your house and I will be there in 10 minutes time, I will call when am at your place,okay
I heard takes of  deep breath in
" okay ,am sure it probably nothing,
He said breathing out trying to calm himself
I cut the call and told the taxi to go a faster ,after 10 minutes which feels like an hour I paid the taxi man and jumped out the cab barging into the house .I began calling IFE's name but I  got no reply ,I climbed the stairs two at a time and started searching for her room ,after searching three bed room I found her room at end of the hallway ,I saw her figure on the floor breathing in and out heavily
I felt my heart miss a beat out of fear for her life ,I got down beside her and began shaking her gently
She looked up at me and was about to say something before I felt her body go limp in my hands ,now it my turn to panic , I didn't know what to do
I checked her temperature and found out she was hot
I picked her up gently and laid her on her bed,I quickly went into her bathroom to fetch a wet towel .
It an hour already and Ife is still sleeping  I called my family doctor and he said she is just tired and needs to rest and she also need a lot of  nutrients due to her  weight.I have called Daniel and he should be here any minute
I felt her stir in her sleep.
"Please d-on't hurt me, I -won't break up -with you,please don't
She must be having a nightmare, I started shaking her to wake her up

Ife wake up ,it only a nightmare, wakeup ,it like my voice only worsen the nightmare as she started shaking and sobbing while her eye lid was shut close muttering some words pleading with someone not to hurt her
"Ife wake up on one is going to hurt you it only a dream ,please wake up
I said trying to wake her up.
Suddenly she woke up and held me tight and was crying into my shirt the second  time today
After ten minute of crying,she finally calmed down
" do you want to talk about it ,I asked gently
"No, she shook her head
" you have to talk about it Ife, someone is stalking you
"How did you  know
" I saw the picture on your phone
"I can't tell you ,he wi-ll known and he will hurt y-o-u, she said her voice breaking
" who is going to hurt me  Ife
"I can't tell you
" damn it Ife, I said raising my voice slightly, this concerns your life you have to tell me
"But what if he hurts you,I can't bare the thought of something happening to you, I won't be able to live with my self ,she said breaking down completely
" just tell me who ,I promise you I will be fine nothing will happen to me
"Okay I will tell you but you have to promise not to tell anybody and not hate me after I tell  you.
" I promise I won't
"Okay here  goes nothing

Am sorry the updates is late guys ,am writing a very important exam right now but I promise the next update will be soon

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