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Millie's POV

I woke up to my phone going crazy I was getting tagged in lodes of posts on Instagram, the fandom was going crazy because us cast where back together. I liked some people post and posted a picture of us

Milliebobbybrown : I am so happy to be with all these amazing people again ♥️

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Milliebobbybrown :
I am so happy to be with all these amazing people again ♥️

I got out of bed and went for a shower and got dressed I walked out my room and Finn was on the sofa eating cereal
"Hey Finn" "hi" "are you ok" I asked just trying to make confiscation "I'm fine what about you" "good thanks" I went into the kitchen and got my breakfast

"So what time do we have to be on set by?" Finn asked "um I think like 9" "ok we should get our stuff then" "yeah" we both got up and got all our stuff I brought my phone charger and earphones and that's all I really needed,

Time skip

Me and Finn got out of the car and onto set "god I missed it so much" I smiled "same" "let's go!" I said wanting to see everyone, we went to the duffers and they told us where our trailers were, mine and Finns were right next to each other, me and Finn went into our trailers and got ready

Once I was ready I went to Finns trailer and nocked on the door "come in" I went in and laughed as soon as I saw Finn "what?" He questioned "your hair it's not curly" "what's wrong with that?" "Nothing nothing it just I'm not used to it" I said giggling a bit "shut up" he smiled

Time skip (sorry idk what to write)

We where on a break from filming when my phone was going mental I clicked on Instagram and my heart sank ........

I'm so sorry this is such a short chapter I really needed to update and I've been really busy with school and booking a holiday to America

Also like wtf is this jillie thing on second they are "broken up" and ye next millie is posting pictures of them I'm so confused

Again I'm really sorry I will properly update soon ♥️(didn't check for mistakes)

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