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Millie's POV
I felt tears running down my face and I felt like I was going to puke,I slowing sat down tears still coming from my eyes "wtf why would Jacob do this" I said out loud "do what" I jumped and saw Finn walking towards me his face quickly filled with worry "Millie what's wrong" "I-i think Jacob cheated on me" more tears coming from my eyes "what!" "Look" I showed Finn the phone and on it was a video of Jacob kissing another girl "wtf is wrong with him" Finn shouted this made me cry even harder "omg Millie I'm so sorry I wasn't meant to shout that loud, come here" I got up and hugged him still cry then he started slowly rocking me and whispering thing is my ear "it's gonna be ok don't worry" I let out another sob and looked up at him "what am I gonna do" "I'll sort it don't worry" "I should get going I'm gonna go back to the hotel I think it will be ok and you explain why I'm not there to the others" "yeah" Finn smiled and kissed my forehead and walked out I picked up my phone and rang Jess to come get me

Finns POV

I went and told the brothers why Millie went home and they under stood next I went to Sadie

F. Hey Sadie 
S. Oh hi Finn where is Millie
F. Yeah that's why I'm here have you been on your phone
S. No why
F. Well there has been a video leaked of Jacob kissing another girl
S. What the fuck
F. I know, Millie went back to the hotel
S. I swear to gin I'm gonna rip his head off
F. Sadie calm down I'm going to deal with it I just wanted you to know
S. Ok
F. I have no more scenes, mind telling the others
S. No problem
F. Thank you ,see ya later bye
S. Bye

I walked out of Sadie trailer and got out my phone I had Jacobs number in my phone because I met him a few months ago and all I can say is ,he is a dick

J. New phone who dis
F. Shut the fuck up Jacob
J. What
F. How the fuck could you do that to Millie
J. Do what
F. Cheat on her !
J. Well she was kissing you so I guess I can kiss other girls
F. Wtf  ,Jacob me and Millie haven't kissed
J. You have
F. I haven't
J. For filming
F. No not yet and anyway why would that be ok we are acting you and that other girl weren't
J. I don't know
F. Jacob you are a dick
J. I know
F. Don't ever talk to Millie again you should of never done that
J. Well I new she didn't love me anymore so it's ok bye
F. Fuck y-
(Call ended)

I put my phone in my pocket and when back to the hotel

Hi I really don't know if this is good but I hope u have a good day ♥️♥️

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