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Finns POV
I walked back into the hotel room and I went to Millie's bedroom and knocked on the door "come in" I walked in and Millie was on her bed watching a makeup video on her laptop, "hey you ok" I said softly one tear rolled down her face and she said "to be honest Finn I don't know I new something like this was gonna happen and I think the relationship went down hill months ago" by this point there was a lot of tears so I asked her if she wanted a hug and she agreed, as we lay there on her bed I could still feel her sobbing quietly.

I'm so sorry this is such a bad chapter I have been so busy and I found a really good fanfic and I've gotten hooked on it 😂 I will try and get a long chapter up tonight coz I need to go to school now,
Thank you for reading and if u have any suggestions on what I should do in the story plz send me a message ♥️♥️ 

the fanfic is called "locked away" it's a mileven story and there is a sequel that I'm already reading

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