Chapter 16

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>>Gilinsky's P.O.V<<

I understand Alex isn't taking Shawn's and Cam's death easily but she's been acting really weird like she doesn't give a fuck about anything like she can literally die and not care.

"Gilinsky go check on her" Nash said.

"For sure man" I replied (get it cause he says that a lot lol I'm lame ._.)

I walked upstairs and knocked on her door but she didn't answer I quietly turned the knob to see her asleep and one of Shawn's vine replaying.

I took her phone and locked it and charged it for her.

It's really sad because Alex lost her real parents and now she's lost her adoptive father (is that how you say it lol I dunno)

I was about to head out until Alex said something.

"Jack?" She said.

"Yea baby girl are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded her head and started to tear up.

"Shh it's okay" I whispered and pulled her into a hug.

"I just really miss them" she replied.

"Me too , me too" I replied and she quickly fell into a deep sleep.

I went back downstairs to tell them she was okay.

"Hey is she okay?" Matt asked.

"Yea she just needs some space" I replied.

It was currently 5 so it was still light out and Alex came down finally.

"Hey baby girl you alright" I asked.

"Mhmm" she replied and plopped onto the couch.

"What's for dinner?" Alex asked and all eyes were on Lycia.

"What?" Lycia asked really confused.

"What's for dinner?" Johnson said.

"Oh uhh maybe pas-" Lycia said but was then cut off by Alex

"IS THAT A BUTTERFLY?!" She screamed and ran outside.

We all followed her and she caught the butterfly and then 10 seconds later she set it free.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Well my mom told when you see a butterfly you tell them your wish and set them free and they will fly to heaven and make it come true." She replied and when she said that I broke my heart because who knows what her wish is?

"Baby girl what was your wish?" I asked

"If I tell it won't come true" she replied.

I nodded my head and the whole day I was wondering what her wish was.

>>Alex's P.O.V<<

"Baby girl what was your wish" Gilinsky asked.

"If I tell it won't come true" I replied.

To be honest I just didn't wanna tell him or else the others would bitch about it and say it's not going to happen but what if it does?

Lately I haven't been feeling hungry or anything I've lost 3-5 pounds in the last week. And I've started to cut again. But I know I have to stop.

"Dinners ready!" Lycia yelled out everybody came running in and it was actually funny.

"Alex aren't you gonna eat?" Aaron asked.

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