My American Love. (3)

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Chapter 3:

Wow! She is pretty! Shoot, i forgot to take her number! I went downstairs to the lobby and Nikki was going into a taxi.

'NIKKI!' I screamed, running outside. I got a taxi and told him to follow her's , it led to a luxurious building. I paid the man and went to the lobby. I asked which apartment Nikki was in. I went to the lifts and knocked on her apt. door. George answered it.

'Yes, what do you want?' he asked, crossing his arms.

'I wanted to meet Nikki.' i said, trying to be confident while i was freaking out inside.

'There's no Nikki here.' he said, then i heard Nikki.

'Hey Karan, we are not going anywhere.' Nikki said. Then i heard a slap. George slapped Nikki!

I got mad, so i punched George in the face. I went to Nikki's room and the door was open. I went inside. There were pictures of Nikki and George and a lady who looked like her.

'How can you like that jerk of a guy?' i asked, sitting next to her.

'Well, we met in America, when i was working as an accountant. We fell in love instantly. I took him to my mom's house and she hated him at the first impression. Because he was like 10 years older than me and because he was black. I got really mad and married him anyway. He got a better job in India, dealing drugs. He made me sell them because i was beautiful. He used me. I realized then he was cheating on me. I used to come home from drug selling and he used to kiss other girls. I threatened to leave him, but he abuses me when i do. So i am used to the slap. I tried leaving him but he doesn't let me. Thank you so much for punching him. I really appreciate it. I am going to America tonight, so i am going in peace.' she said, taking her glass of water.

'Wait, you are leaving tonight?' i asked, shocked.

'Yes, why?' she asked, going to the kitchen. I followed her. She had put it in her dishwasher.

'Because i wanted your number. I wanted to ask you out.' i said, i was right behind her. She turned around. We were like a little far apart.

'I can give you my America number.' she looked down and took a Post It. She wrote her number down and gave it to me.

'I have to leave now. Flight's gonna leave now. I will call you.' she said, going to the living room.

'Oh ok. Bye.' i said, going out the door.

'Bye.' she said, closing the door.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2010 ⏰

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