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(Remember me — Incase you want to play it)


Im sorry for this chapter. I felt sad writing it. (Okay I cried a tiny bit BUT ONLY CAUSE THE SONG OKAY! I AM NOT A CRYBABY!) (*sniffle*)

💀 💀 💀

How, how did he get here?

Dark crimson red leaking out his chest. His eyes not daring to look down. To witness reality. The people that did this, ran.

He was just a-a toy to them. Beaten him. For what? They shot his right lung when they heard the cops were approaching. Why. Why did the shoot? Many questions swarmed the boy. Mostly one word kept popping up.


Everything was going through his head all at once. Guns, sirens, them horrible excuses of people. However he also thought of his family. How could those people take away his life.

Without a second thought.

They didn't even give him a warning.

It was just...

Just. Bang.

And that was it. That was the moment Miguel knew that everything was over.

Miguel knew he was a hostage, he knew they were going to hurt him. But... he didn't know they were planning on killing him. Of course, now, that seemed to be more realistic of a thought.

It just never made sense... not even a little.

'No, I won't spend my last moments dwelling on them thoughts," Miguel thought, his eyes burning holes through the door as he was staring at it so hard.

Everything hurt. They did some damage on him, that was just a fact. Actually, Miguel was impressed that he was still conscious. Still holding onto life. Throughout his body there was break, cuts and bruises.

His ribs?
Right arm, yes, broke.
Femur. Broke.

Unfortunately the police were still on there way. There was no possibility they could save him now.

An ambulance would arrive maybe in 15-20 minutes as this was the abandoned sugar factory. Which was an hour away from the nearest hospital.

Miguel wanted to scream, he wanted to just scream so loud. But his throat could barely speak let alone scream. And also for the fact Miguel thought, what was the point?

No one could hear him. No one will hear him. Ever again. His heart dropped when he thought that.

Losing hope the boy smiled, relieved that this pain would be over soon. Papa Hector and Mama Imelda, he'll get to see them again.

"H-Hgn," The boy battled the painful cries his body was forcing him to make. He knew he should take shallow breaths. Knowing his lung was either going to drop or bleed out, he just breathed slowly.

A small peak of hope remaining that maybe, just maybe someone will arrive.

Even just his family? Even if it were a just a goodbye! It was okay! It was good enough! Anything! Anything was good enough!

He... just wanted to squeeze someones hand. He just..wanted someone to tell him it was okay.

"S-S..omeone!"The boy whispered chocking on air and gasping, his chest shaking along with his body. It was becoming complete unbearable. "P-Ple-ease?"

Slowly. Very slowly, he was becoming unconscious, eyes slowly no longer darting around the room. Only staring out the window. He smiled. The sky, was abnormally beautiful. Or was it always this memorising?

Did he just not gaze at it long enough to realise how truly beautiful it was. It was even more memorising to think stars were hidden, blinded away from us by the sun.

Was it jealous? Maybe because we didn't look at it with the same bewildered gaze as the stars in the night sky?

Heh, the thought of that relaxed him.

Maybe, he didn't have to hold on anymore. Just maybe, it was time to stop trying and allowing pain to engulf him? He took a shaky breath.

Of course he wanted to tell his family he loved them first, especially his sister coco. However in this moment, he couldn't but, he hoped and prayed they knew he did.

"" A small quiet voice sang. Tears falling on the floor, creating see-through orbs on the cold metal ground. Through his chocking pain, he continued. "Th-th...ough I have t-to say go-odbye,"

He began hyperventilating he tried to continue. His last breaths drawing near. Miguel didn't want to die yet, he was practically pleading in his mind to finish the song.

Though his eyes were forcing themselves to close and the pain through his body was slowly fading.

As if he was losing himself, losing his body.

Ironically them words he was desperate to sing, said don't let it make you cry. More tears fell down his face. He opened his mouth to try and continue however his voice wasn't coming out.

His eyes were nearly closed completely. Slowly his breathing became more shallow, he was practically not breathing.

"For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart, I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart. Remember me~"

Miguel smiled and mouthed the words. His heart fluttered happily listening to the voice as he faded. The voice sounded like his Papa Hector.

And he enjoyed the thought of it being his grandfather. Finally Miguel felt nothing and his mind was falling into a extremely deep, calming sleep.

"Though I have to travel far. Remember me~ Know that I am with you the only way that I can be. Until your in my arms again! Re.....membe-,"

Miguel breathed out, his head falling onto his shoulder. And with that he took his last breath.

The sound off people running up stairs and yelling could be heard.

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