Chapter 2

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The calming breeze ruffled through Miguels hair, who was soundly asleep. The moon had come up and engulfed the sky in a shallow light.

Large lights from the city could be seen far behind them, as they were in the country side now. They were welcomed into a small town with small house spread everywhere.

One house was further away. A large family house that was like a mansion. Hector was reaching the gate and slowly pushed it open. Smoothly it opened, without a single rusty creak.

The only lights guiding him throughout the garden was some garden lights. Each was individual colours, red, orange, yellow, you name it and it was probably there.

Quietly he walked in, listening to the water running from the water fall. Trees rustled everywhere in harmony with the whistling wind.

Gravel crunched under shoes Imelda made for Hector, the thought of her being so near put a smile on his face.

Though Hector still had many thoughts from the situation. As to how Miguel got here? And of course, why he was in an alley. If anything, he'd rather see Miguel waiting alone in the building they all go to when they die.

Of course that would was silly to think now, I mean it's happened now. Hector gave Miguel a side glance and sighed. There was no doubt that he loved the boy, but...

He didn't want him here so young. Miguel had- has a life.

Preforming music and singing without a care in the world. However that was only half of it. The boy could've still had a family, kids..and he isn't fully brought up.

Miguel right now was fatherless and motherless. It was a situation Hector didn't know if he could help with. That child needed his parents yet, they aren't here.

The tall skeleton never realised he was just halted in the middle of the garden. Hector smiled a small one, and stroked Miguels hair.

His parents might not be here but Hector and Imelda were here. Maybe that could be just enough? Once he sorted out what he was going to say he walked to the door and knocked.

He struggled to open it as he was carrying Miguel. Shingling of keys could be heard from the other side. Slowly the door open and Imelda popped her head out.

However the gentleness left her face as the door swung open, slamming against the wall. Imelda was about to yell however her eyes slowly looked at what he was holding.

Miguels head was tucked in Hectors chest, making it hard for Imelda to probably see him. Or notice a change in the boy.

"What? Hector! What is Miguel doing back here?" Imelda screeched making her husband flinch ever so slightly. Sometimes her anger catches him off guard.

"Is it not obvious?" Hector asked gloomily as he tightened his hold on Miguel. Furrowing her brow bones, Imelda stepped back from the door.

"Explain." She muttered as her arms folded, a stern aura surrounding her. Was she ready to hear the truth was the question.

"I found him in an alley, near the central. Imelda he's-,"

"Ay.. what he was he even doing out there. We need to get him home." Imelda ranted walking out the hallway and into the large living room.

"But Imelda-,"

"No buts! He is going home!" Imelda snapped back, not even listening to what he was trying to say.

"No he isn't! Can't you see that he can't! If he could, I wouldn't be holding onto him for dear life right now!" Hector yelled back, frustrated at the situation and his wife for listening.

Silence filled the room, both wondering how Miguel was still asleep through that. Quietly Imelda sat on the large white couch. The cushion next to her sinking as Hector sat down.

"I'm sorry," He began looking at her, however in response got a small shake of the head.

"No, no. Don't apologise, I should be sorry. I never realised that.." Imelda swallowed. Large brown eyes filling with grief as she looked at Miguels small body. "That he.."

"I know," Her husband retorted placing a bony hand on hers, gently rubbing it. "I'm going to take him to our room,"

"Of course,"

Usually both Hector and Imelda would be sleeping by now, though his worried wife stayed up all night waiting for him. And he, was of course preoccupied but in a strange sense he was glad.

Sometimes he was concerned about Miguel in the real world as he couldn't see him. Hector hoped he had friends and a good life before he died.

Because if not his death was then just cruel, an extremely harsh.

Though then again, a happy life couldn't justify dying at this age. Holding Miguel, in his arms right now seemed unthinkable. Yet here they were. Together.

"You must be tired mijo," Hector chuckled as he lay Miguel down, tucking him in. The boy never woke up once, through yelling and being walked here.

Nervously Hector reached to touch the boys head however his hand just fell. He wasn't going to feel Miguels warm smooth skin, but bone instead. At least Miguel wasn't going to have the skeleton marks.

Assuming Miguel was 13 he couldn't have died gruesomely. Now Hector brought it up he began having doubts about it. What if he did though? What if he did die a horrible death?

His brown eyes looked down at the innocent boy, slowly he knelt next to the bed and petted Miguels hair. No, there was no way.

Hector would literally feel like he died all over again if that was the case.

Yawning, Hector contemplated leaving to go find Imelda but he became too tired. The feeling of exhaustion overwhelmed him, clearly from all his previous walking.

Within an hour later, a large pair of eyes watched Hector sleep. Silently they tried to do the same.

Hiya!! You have all been leaving really nice comments to which Im here thanking you! You're all really awesome and so I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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