Chapter 1

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She lives in America with her maid. She was sent here by her family when she was 12. They said it was for the best. It has been almost 8 years since she lived with a family. Well she would occasionally go and visit her family in Korea but they would never let her stay long.

Kim Hyeon Mi is a 19 years old who lives a relatively normal life. She does the same routine everyday, which makes it easier for her to deal with. Going to school, listen in class, go home, study and repeat. She was titled in school to be popular, but she never thought herself as having any friends. Hyeon Mi was never close with any of them, they just come and go.

She lives with a heavy burden, the reason she builds walls around herself that she won't allow anyone else to get through, was because of one secret.


"Hyeon! Wanna get some Starbucks with us?" One of her so called friends, Sam asked. She was one of the cheerful type that would cling on to you, which got on Hyeon Mi's nerves sometimes.

Hyeon Mi shakes her head. "I'll pass this time. Have a load of studying to do."  She reasoned out.

"You would ace the test even without studying Hyeon." Sam pouts childishly. Hyeon Mi just smiles waving goodbye before she could continue nagging her to go.

Hyeon Mi walks home like she always do, alone. She enjoyed the scenery. Her house isn't that far from the school and is walking distance. When she got home she was greeted by her maid, who took care of her ever since she began her life here.

"Annyeong ajumma~" She said smiling widely.

"Aigo, how was your day Hyeon Mi? " She replied holding her hands, leading her to the kitchen for some snacks.

"Like usual." She say while taking a seat.

"Your mom called earlier. She said she wanted to talk to you." Ajumma says. "She said to call her at 9."

Hyeon Mi nodded taking a bite into her sandwich curious of what her mom wanted to talk about.


Hyeon Mi sat by her bed as she dialed the number into her phone.

Nervously she pressed call and waited for her mom to pick up.

"Hyeon Mi-ah~" She hears her mom's voice. She lets out a breath that  she's been holding onto. She was worried she was in trouble, since her mom wanted to talk all of a sudden.

"Ne omma?"

"I have a surprise for you!" She says overly excited.

"Oh what is it?" She asked trying to hold back her own excitement.

"I've decided for you to move back to Seoul with us!" Her mom says.

"Really?" Hyeon Mi says as her voice becomes shaky. "I could finally come back?" She finally able to live without the secret, and let herself free.

"Ne Hyeon Mi. I can't stand not being able to see my precious daughter grow up." Tears were pouring at the sound of her mom. She missed her so much and now, she can finally go home.

They spent the next hour talking about when she'll fly back to Korea.

"Omma, does oppa know yet?" She asked.

"Anni. So why don't we keep this a surprise from him. Your flight is on the same day he's coming back to Korea."

"Ne~" She agrees happily.


That night Hyeon couldn't sleep from the excitement. Her mom said ajumma already bought the flight for next Monday, which is exactly one week from now.

She could finally see het family again. She has one older brother which is the mainly the reason why she live separately from her family in the first place. Her brother is Kim Joong Myun, mostly known as Suho from EXO. To her luck he is in one of the most famous k-pop group.

This was the secret she was hiding. Only EXO and the company staffs know about this secret other than her family.

Even though she doesn't spent much time with him anymore, she get along with her brother very well. Even his members.


The next day Hyeon Mi busied herself with the transfer works. Once that was finally done she had to inform her group of friends about her sudden leave.

She invited her friends to join her to Starbuck and they happily accepted her request.

"I'm leaving for Korea next week." She announced without hesitation, hoping they won't asked to much question as to why she was moving suddenly.

"What?!" They all screamed in union.

"How come?" Sam asked.

"My parents wanted me to move back to study Korean since that is what I am lacking most." Lier. Her Korean is perfectly fine. she gets tutored every week on it. But it was the only thing she could come up with at the momment.

They all nodded in understanding. After that, they talked about how much they would miss her and that they would be sure to send her off.

Hyeon Mi was overly excited about going back to Korea next Monday, especially because she might bump into her brother in the airport since they are also going back to Korea from a SM Town concert on the same day.

Time passed extremely slowly but finally it was the day. She woke up way too early since she couldn't sleep anyways. She took a quick shower, knowing it'll be a long flight. Then picked out the perfect outfit. It was pretty and comfortable. A creamy colour knitted sweater, it was slightly over size so it was perfect for the warm weather not hugging the body too tightly. She tugged her sweater into her light pink shorts in the front. Finally she paired her outfit with her beige converse and was ready to head out. 

She had already packed her luggage and ajumma was taking that to the car. She got her pass port and everything she needed and put it into her backpack. She grabbed her sun glasses and headed for the door. Looking back for one last time she locked the door.

We arrived at the airport 20 minutes later.

Hyeon Mi's group of friends had already invaded the airport entrance, waiting for her. We headed inside. While they took a seat she went and register herself.

After about an hour of chatting they announced the flight that Hyeom Mi was in. She hugged everyone and said goodbye. She turn to face ajumma and smiled at her. She said she will be staying to take care of the house. She assured Hyeon Mi that she'll visit her. She gave her a tight hug and tears were threatening to pour out. She wave her final goodbye as her friend waved a construction paper that said 'We'll miss you' on it.

Hyeon Mi was now on the plane and all the memories since the first day came rushing back to her. She was trying to fight back the tears that were making her vision blurry.

For the rest of the flight she slept like a log since she didn't sleep much that week from the excitement.

When we landed in Korea it was mid afternoon. All he luggage were carry-in. After she got her stuff she was out of the plane and breathing fresh air. She let out a big breath of air. Never knew how much she missed Korea.

By the time she got to the airport there were a massive group of people surrounding the entrance. Shit. It must be the SM family.

Author's Note:

Annyeong! This is my first fanfic, I hope you enjoy! Vote and comment. *This Fanfiction is based on EXO Growl era*

Main Character: Kim Hyeon Mi

You can pretend it's yourself or someone else. The name Hyeon was inspired by Suho's real name Kim Joon Myeon.

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