Chapter 08

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The sun brightly shined through the curtains, lighting the Kim household. The morning breeze made its way through the window, blowing the fresh sent of flowers planted in the garden.

The members were all scattered in the livving room. Most of them tangled up in bed sheets on the floor, and the others occupying the couch.

Suho woke up with a yawn, stretching his arms up. He took his phone from the coffee table and read the time, 6:20 a.m.

"Kai! Sehun! It's time to wake up now." He said in between yawns as he shook them lightly.

Sehun sterd in his sleep, wrinkling his nose at the sudden noise but waking up eventually. Kai however, didn't budge and continued sleeping. If it was someone else, they would of mistaken him as dead.

"Sehun, wake Kai up. I'll wake Hyeon Mi." He said to the latter who was sitting on the ground furiously rubbing his eyes.

Suho looked around the living room, confused. He recalled carrying her to the arm chair last night but it was emptied. He walked upstairs in search for his missing sister.

Sehun fully awake now walked over to where Kai was sleeping.

"Yahh!" He said quite loudly waking the other members. His eyebrows furrow as he saw no reaction from Kai. He took aim and kicked the older one in the butt. Kai's eyes shot open in surprise as he searched for the culprit. He looked up to Sehun who was laughing at him.

"Hyeon Mi?" Suho knocked on the door to Hyeon Mi's room. He opened it and peered inside.

The bed was empty and you could tell no one had slept in it. Suho looked around and found his sister by her study table. Arms folded on the table with her head snuggled ontop. Some books were scattered on the table, and the rest had fallen onto the floor. Suho picked up the books, analysising the context. They were all text books from the school Hyeon Mi is starting today.

"Hyeon Mi, wake up." He shook her lightly and she slowly opened her tired eyes.

"Mmm?" Hyeon Mi said confusly. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"It's time for school silly." Suho ruffled her already messy hair, before making his way back down to prepare breakfast.


Hyeon Mi stumble down the stairs, as her tired eyes was still adjusting to the morning light. She had stayed up late reviewing over all the lessons that her grade had already gone through. Starting at a new school, in a different country, in the middle of the year was indeed very difficult.

"Morning!" Baekhyun greeted when he saw Hyeon Mi walking aimlessly into the dinning room.

"Mm... morning..." She mumbled. She sat by the nearest chair by the table and began her breakfast. Hyeon Mi's eyes were half closed as she scooped her food into her mouth. Occasionally, she would nod off, but continue proceeding with her breakfast.

"Aww Hyeon Mi... that's my breakfast." Xiumin wined as he walked into the dinning room, finding his breakfast eaten by someone else.

"Here, you can have mine!" Luhan said passing over his food. Xiumin happily accepted the food and munched on it.

"Where's Sehun and Kai?" Suho asked peeking from the kitchen, where he was washing the dishes.

"Sehun's getting ready and Kai just fell back asleep after he finished his breakfast." Luhan sighed.

"Aish that boy."

Hyeon Mi swallowed the last bit of her food and stood up, startling Xiumin and Luhan. She walked off to the door that led to the garden. Opening it, she stepped out barefoot.

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