Chapter 7

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Third person perspective

Hyeon Mi arrived home exhausted. She went straight to her room to take a rest. Who knew fans can get that intimidating. She thought.

She had never thought throughly about how her life would of changed if everyone knew about the secret-the fact that her brother was Suho. She was always busy thinking about how burden she was to hide the secret. How she never wanted anyone to be close with her. She never had any real friends.

Hyeon Mi sighed as she reached for her phone. It was already evening but her brother hadn't come back yet. Her parents were still on that business trip of theirs. This familiar feeling bubbled inside her. It was exactly what she felt when she was in America-loney.

Just then she heard the door downstairs click open, followed by roars of laughter. Maybe being loney wasn't that bad, but some company wouldn't hurt either.

Hyeon Mi jumped off her bed making her way down.

"Oppa!" She said as she peered her head into the kitchen.

"Oh, Hyeon Mi-ah are you hungry?" Suho asked.

"Very." Hyeon Mi answered as she rubbed her stomach.

"Come on let's eat! We got lots of take outs." Suho said as he placed the last box of food on the dinner table.

Hyeon Mi sat at the end of the table with the members evenly divided on each side. Suho was on one side and Luhan on the other.

"Luhan pass me the noodles!" Hyeon Mi blurted out. She hadn't realize she was speaking informally.

"Yah pabo, you need to speak with respect to your elders." Suho scold.

"Ahh I'm sorry ajushi." Hyeon Mi apologized formally as she bowed slightly. Luhan looked at her furiously, while the rest of the members cracked up in laughter.

"Yah, Hyeon Mi I'm not that old." Luhan pouts childishly.

"You know you should act more mature for a person that's half fifty." Hyeon Mi pointed out and laughted.

"Yea Luhannie, you should be mature like me!" Sehun says as he attempts to pull a straight face but fails miserably.


"Who's going to clean this mess up?" Hyeon Mi ask as she examines the dinner table. They had fooled around while they ate and some how the dinner table had turned into a landfill.

"I'll do it myself." Hyeon Mi says as no one volunteered to help.

"Why don't we do rock paper scissors and whoever loose have to help you." Chanyeol suggests. Determination was written all over his face as he was ready to play.

Each member played with another until two were left, Chanyeol and Sehun.

"Why did I suggest this." Chanyeol mumbles to himself.

Hyeon Mi giggled as she was amused by these grown mens acting so immature.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

"Yes! Yes! I won, in your face Sehun!" Chanyeol brags as he jump up and down in victory of second last place.

"And as a reward of placing last, you get the honors of doing the dishes with me." Hyeon Mi says cheerfully as she makes her way to the sink.


"I was browsing throught a fan page one day." Hyeon Mi started as she broke the silence. Sehun look up and he made eye contact with Hyeon Mi. He nodded as he continued wiping the table.

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