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thank god it was summer break.
if school was still in session i wouldn't be able to survive. i'd be so overwhelmed with everything that is going on i wouldn't be able to handle it.
all the boys were still asleep, it was still pretty early for what they would consider.
i go to the kitchen and read the stove clock

my dad had left a note, let's hope it's something good this time.

i have a business project i'm going to be doing for the next week
make sure the boys don't get into too much trouble

"morning" hunter says coming up from behind me wrapping his arms around my waist
"good morning hunter, dad is going to be gone for the next week"
"oh you know what that means" he says with a smirk
"you're ridiculous" i laugh
"admit it you love me"
"did you really just ask that?"

i walked over to the freezer and took out four waffles.
"did i say i wanted waffles?" hunter says
"no, but i know you well enough" i chuckle
"yeah you're right, i could really go for some waffles"
i laugh rolling my eyes

"i hear joey is having a party tonight" hunter says looking up from his phone
"are you really thinking about going? hun-"
"no, i just thought you would want to know"
"why the fuck would i care about what joey is doing"
"i just know all of my friends are going and are gonna hook up with like twelve different girls" he laughs

"i smell waffles!" brandon says running down the stairs
"yeah and they're not for you" hunter says scrunching his nose
"i can make my own headass" brandon says back
"stop fighting you two"
"who are you our mother?" brandon says
"technically yes, i'm the only women figure in this house, and dad is going to be gone for a week and i have to make sure you two don't get into any trouble."
i put the waffles on two plates, handing hunter his.
i sit down next to him taking a bite of it
it makes me happy to see him finally happy again.
"hunter, can we talk" i say as we were both in his room, him playing a video game, and me laying on his bed
"yeah what's up?" he says turning the tb off direction his attention towards me
"i know you said to not let this- us living together again- to affect our relationship, but if all honesty, you're treating me like a sibling again, and i don't know how to feel about it." i admit
"oh lex, im sorry if you feel that way, what do you say tonight i take you out on a date. what about Cheescake Factory? where we went on our first date." he replies
"hah! you do consider it a date."
"fine. you caught me. that was a date."
hunter and i were going out at 6:30, it was currently 6:23
i was wearing a white dress, and was currently trying to find a pair of shoes to wear.
i don't really wear dress shoes, all i have is sneakers
i finally settle with black old skool vans.
it'll have to do.

"ready babe?" hunter says standing in the door frame of my room
"yes" i smile standing up from my bed and walking over to him
he grabs my hand and we head down the stairs.
we get in his car and he hands me the aux.
i put the album illuminate by shawn mendes in shuffle, ruin came on as hunter and i both started to sing.
a few more songs played after, but we soon arrived to Cheesecake Factory.
we walk in and i can immediately feel eyes on me
"table for two please" hunter says pulling me closer
"right this way" the hostess says leading us to our table

we sit down and soon the waiter comes.
it was jason carroll, he was a pretty popular guy in our grade.

"hey guys what can i get you to drink?" he starts off by saying.
we both get waters and went ahead and ordered our food as well.

"lex, i really love you and im sorry if i made you feel that way." hunter says

"it's okay, i love you too hunter" i smile

pretty soon we had gotten our food, we didn't order much.

"thank you" we both said as jason walked away

he soon came back with a check and i noticed there was a slip of paper attached
the slip had his number on it with "call me anytime ;)" written on it
"hey, what do you think you're doing?" hunter says standing up from the table
"what do you mean?" jason says turning around
"what the fuck are you trying to do?" hunter says holding up the paper
"woah man i just know you're a dick, you'll get tired of her after awhile-"
"what the fuck, jason. you're the fucking dick" hunter says nudging him a little bit.
i didn't want to say anything. i wanted to see how far this would go.
"you wanna go there rowland?" jason says walking back towards hunter
"why not" hunter says swinging a punch towards jason.
jason hits back as i soon find myself trying to break them a part
"BREAK IT UP" i yell and they both turn their heads towards me
"hunter, we're leaving." i say pulling him out of the restaurant.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? we'll probably never be able to go their again" i say
"lex, i was just doing what needed to be done-"
"no it didn't need to be done. i would've just thrown that paper away anyways."
he rolls his eyes and starts walking to the car.
"hunter, im sorry i can't do this." i say, stopping him in his tracks
"do what?" he says, his voice softening.
"i can't do this. us. it's getting really complicated. i'm sorry" i say
"lex, no. i can fix it."
"no hunter. you can't fix it. i just need a break, im sorry" i say walking back towards the building.
he sighs walking back to his car.
that hurt, honestly.

i call blake, knowing he'll come pick me up.
"i'll be there in 5" he says through the phone
i can't believe i just did that. i just broke up with hunter.

blake soon arrives and i quickly get in his car
"lex, what's wrong?" he asks, noticing my tear-stained eyes.
"i kind of just broke up with hunter"
"wait what? what do you mean?" he says starting to drive away
"he got in a fight with jason carroll in cheescake, and it was over me. and he's been treating me differently lately. i miss the old hunter." i admit.
"lex i'm sorry. you want to stay over at mine tonight?" he asks
"yeah, that would be great."
honestly getting to talk to blake made me feel a hundred times better.
as we were both sitting on his bed we hear the door swing open
"blake? blake! i need to talk to you" hunters familiar voice shouts
his footsteps are heard running up the steps into blake's room
"lexi? what the hell is going on here.." he says coming into the room
"hunter who the fuck do you think came to pick me up"
"i should've known" he says walking back out the door

i didn't know how to take all this.

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