Alternative story

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While I was struggle to write the short story my lovely sister Joy aliceoncrack     
helped me out and since she out this far I just want to give her credit for what she did do for me. I wrote the first part but the rest is all her. And in the first chapter I incorporated some things from this into the actually story. Regardless here it is...

Hated dust.
Liked the lamp but hated the dust.
I pulled gloves on and a rag and went to work. But it seemed that it was unmoving.  I felt the lamp warm but I pushed it off.  Thick, unmoving dust and dared to hit my nostrils and make me sneeze.

I scrubbed harder. But the increasing pressure on the fragile antique worried me. I didn't want it to break.  But the increasing warm temperature was starting to concern me. Nevertheless, I wasn't going to have pesky dust defeat me.

Scrub some more. The hotter than lamp got. Eventually the lamp decided that scorching my hand was the next course of action in this losing battle of mine.


All I saw was fragments of the lamp and dust. Not even 15 minutes in my house and I already broke it. This had to be a new record for me. The dust was thicker than I thought. My original thought being no dust cloud at all. But I guess I was wrong. The dust cloud. This gray-dusty-trying-to-give-me-asthma dust.

"That a perfectly good lamp!" A voice yelled out. My neck snapped around.

"Who...who said that" I wasn't one to sit around and wait for danger to take me. I was already running towards my door, hand on doorknob.

"Hey....heyyyy don't run. I'm the one that felt threatened. You broke my home!" The voice yelled again.

I ran.

I debated if I want to scream or not but I figured that people would just assume that I'm a Schizophrenic. I'm hearing voices, that's a joke.

As I was about to reach my door, something yanked me all the way down till I was back on the living room.

My mind was flustered and honestly a little bit dizzy. I look around the living room and All of my living is full of this creepy mist.

I also noticed my position, I'm kneeling on the floor with my hands on my thighs. I can't feel my body right now.

The mist slowly gone and I see a shade of a person sitting on chair sofa, with his demeanour like a king.

I was trembling like a little lamb, I didn't know this could happen !! My mind is already questioning the male.

But one thing I know...

Mom gonna fckng kill me if she sees the living room covered with weird mist.

I'm a dead woman, hell I know this person gonna kill me.

At least I'm not dying in my mother hand.


The person said and by the tone I knew he is a male... but what I don't know if he's going to kill me or not.

I stay quiet on the freezing floor, my body still trembling and I could feel the male scrutinizing me with his eyes.

with all my might I look up to him and again I'm shock when I see a golden eyes looking at me very closely.

in all my life I don't like when people are invading my bubble or get too close to me.

But this male, even though I can't see his whole face because of the mist. I could see his bright and molten gold eyes.

"What's your name, little girl?"

He said that and I see his head knock to the side a little bit, his eyes shone with curiosity yet also mischief in it.

I don't know what to say, should I just tell him or I stay quiet ??

" name.... i-"

"Wait !"

The male cut me before I said my name, he gave a Cheshire grin. This wide creepy grin, from the cat in alice in the wonderland.

"I know your name~ hehehe your name is Kiana Gringley !!"

I was truly shock at his word... how did he know me ?! Who Is he !?

"You've grown into a beautiful woman little Kiana, now... I want to ask you something"

The grin on the male suddenly dissappear, and in the instant the whole mist in the living room dissappear.

In front of me... stood the strange and unknown man, a really attractive male species.

My voice is gone, my mind is blank because of his unworldly charm and looks.

Who is this male !? AND BY GOD'S HOW DID HE KNOW ME !?

"You must be wondering how do I know you~"

He then slowly straight his body before walking around me, even when he's at my back I could still feel his eyes lingering on me.

"OH I know you for a VERY long time my dear. I see you always helping you grandfather antique shop, I see you always look curiously at me or more precise my lamp... my home that you've destroyed"

The male stop in front of me again, and again he lower himself. And I could finally see what he wearing

A whole chic and stylish suit. Black suit with dark grey vest and a dark blue shirt with a black tie and black trouser and black shoe.

His whole look is very stylish.

"W-what are you ?"

Finally I ask this question that stuck in my mind from the beginning.

"Me ?I'm a genie my dear... your own personal genie~"

He said it again with a wide grin as he extravagantly bowed.

"My name is Alejandro, I'm the genie who's been residing on that lamp you destroy WHICH I want you to give me a new one"

"W-what? You're a genie ?"

"Yes I am my dear little kiana"

I don't believe this... I don't believe any of this. There's no such thing as a genie ! It's only those myths and legend and that Disney movie !

"Don't compare me with that awful version of a genie on that movie little one..."

I shut my mouth before I even say the words.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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