Chapter 1

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"Charlotte, turn off your alarm! "

I glare angrily at my brother through the wall, just because he doesn't have to wake up at 6am every morning for school he has to constantly shout at me. I mean it's not my fault I'm a heavy sleeper and I have to put alarm on full volume - or maybe I just do it to annoy him - you'll never know.

"Oh, just shut up and go back to sleep Jack!" I shout back as I sit up groggily in my bed. Painful images flash through my mind but I push them away - memories I would much rather forget. You see, we don't fight all the time it's just that: you don't mess with one of us in the morning, it's kind of a family trait - you know you are a true Kingsman if you are at your weakest when you wake up.

I half walk, half crawl out of my bed into the bathroom, after turning the dreaded alarm off, where I proceed to splashing my face with cold water which successfully rids me of my slumber as I walk into the shower still slightly drowsy. I knew I shouldn't have read those last 29 chapters last night, but I don't regret it as I ended up finishing my book - there was a huge plot twist at the end and I can't wait until the next book comes out.

After my shower, I head back into my sky blue room and put on my uniform. I pack my bag and ensure I have my reading book and my emergency book and my emergency, emergency book. What! I like to be prepared​. As I do this I glance over at my bedside clock." Holy fudgenuggets! " I mutter under my breath. I only have 20 minutes to leave and I haven't even had breakfast yet or done my hair! Now don't mistake me for those people who spend hours on their hair every morning that's  just a waste of time that could be spent sleeping.

Running downstairs, I attempt to yank a brush through the golden brown birds nest I call my hair while pulling a sock onto my right foot I almost trip down and break every bone in my body a few times ( multi-tasking has never really been my thing ) but I make it, luckily still in one piece. I stuff a slice of toast into my mouth as run out of the door shouting a goodbye to Jack and pecking my mum on the cheek. I check my appearance in the hallway mirror before I leave and see that my bright emerald green eyes are tired and my golden brown hair is already

falling out of the lose ponytail I put it in but I ignore this as I rush down the road plugging my earphones in as I run, I relax as the familiar sound reaches my ears.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I run, my breathing labored, my tiered muscles screaming for release. I run like I've never run before. Chasing and chasing. I don't make it. The bright red bus passes me and the bus stop, it's back sending me a malicious grin.

Well, I guess I'm walking now. I plug my earphones, that had fallen out while I was running, back into my ears as I walk in the direction of my school.

It's actually kind of nice, walking, I can relax and listen to my music and just walk, neck high, in my thoughts. I let myself relax so much that my walls come crashing down and my nightmare comes back to me - fresh in my mind, reminding me of my troubled past. I push those thoughts away and my mind wanders to a recurring thought I have been having a lot recently - I can't help but feel as if I'm waiting for something to happen. Whether it will be a good something or a bad something I don't know but I'm definitely anxious for it to happen, whatever it may be.

As I turn down another road, a new song comes on - it is one of my favorites, so I decided to sing along with it under my breath - not wanting any passer's by to hear my awful singing voice, which I discovered not so long ago when I sang at the church's Easter service I thought I sounded fine but when I saw the videos afterward I found out that I sounded​ like a dying walrus - not my most flattering moment.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't see the car or until it was too late.


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