Chapter 4

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Charlotte's POV

"What! But, why?" I inquired looking at my parents with anger and confusion clouding my vision.

How could they do this to me?

"But I-I'll be fine soon I'll be able to walk and everything will be back to normal soon!" I almost shout at them. "I don't need to move schools I'm fine how I am - you can't make me do this- what about my friends? After everything that has happened I finally made friends and now you want to take them away from me? You can't do this!"

"Charlotte, you won't be able to walk again, there's only a 20% chance you'll ever be able to make a step after this accident. Stop arguing with us and just agree!" My mother says rather too forcefully.

"No! I won't do it - you can't make me!" I shout, in histerics. Meanwhile my father just stood there watching this whole ordeal without a single care, his face not even showing a single emotion - these are the times I wonder if he is part potato.

"Your not even my real parents you can't make me do anything!"

"We are your legal guardians so we do have the right - so don't talk back to us!"

"I don't care if I talk back to you or not. You're not my real parents, even they were better than you - your a pathetic excuse for a 'mother' I wish I had my parents back - even after what they did"

"Like you were any better off with them, why don't you just try to kill yourself again - hopefully this time you'll succeed." I could only stare at her shocked as she left pulling back the curtains and stomping away.

"What's wrong?" A voice breaks through my thoughts, before looking to see who it was, I snapped back at them to keep out of my business.

I didn't need anyone to know about my past - about how my parents had beat me - how I had tried to kill myself multiple times. When finally someone saw the scars - they called the police and I ended up with a foster family.

That night I cried myself to sleep.

* * *

I was running. I was actually running - fast too, I was running for the bus...

Why does this feel like déjà vu? This whole thing doesn't feel real - the world, it's faded. Duller. But it looks so real...

I'm running, but I don't catch the bus, it passes me and passes the bus stop too. I'll have to walk then. I'm okay with that. The walk isn't that long - I'm just lazy so I get the bus.

I put my music on, 5 seconds of summer, my favourite band. I start walking towards my school. One of my favourite songs come on so I sing along - under my breath of course, I don't want to torture the public with horrible singing voice.

I'm so focused on the song that when the car doesn't indicate and comes swerving down the road I don't see it and keep on walking. Bad mistake.

I can do nothing as the car hits me at full force.

But suddenly I'm standing on the pavement on the other side of the road watching a woman get out of a car and run over to a poor girl on the floor and say 'sorry' over and over again. Sorry for what?

The more I look at the girl on the floor the more she looks familiar to me somehow, I don't know where I know her from and I'm racking my brain for the answer when realisation slaps me in the face, making me stager back a few steps.

The girl is me.

Soon the paramedics show up and cart my body into the ambulance. As they drive away, I can only stare in shock and horror.

Suddenly I'm at the hospital staring into an operating room with... Me on the table.

I see a man staring into the room with a grim expression on his young face - he has kind blue eyes and light blonde hair. I need someone to help me.

"Please, what does this mean? I don't know what happened! Am I going to be okay?" At my words he turns his head and when he sees me his eyes widen considerably.

"Wait... You can see me? How come? Can other people see me too? What's happening to me? Am I going to be okay?"

"Wow you ask a lot of questions! Just calm down. Yes I can see you. I can because I'm... Special. And no the others can't see you. And you were in a car accident, you got pretty banged up, and now... You're in surgery." Just as he finishes saying this, another doctor comes out of the operating room and talks to the man.

"She's in a really bad condition, it's likely she won't make it... You had better prepare the family for the news." The man nods and gives me one last worried glance before heading out of a door I didn't notice before.

The doctor turns back towards the door of the operating room when someone shouts something to him from inside the room.

"Time of death: 8:46 am."

And then it all goes away. It leaves me empty and lonely as I fall, down and down until it's all black...

* * *

Zanes POV -

I wake up to the sounds of screaming and crying. Coming from... Charlotte's bed.

I don't know what to do but try to wake her up before she disrupts everyone else's sleep.

Since I'm strictly forbidden to get out of bed by Doctor Will I will have to get one of the nurses to help. Problem is, there are none around - anywhere! I try calling for one but I don't want to wake up everyone in the ward.

Even though, by now Charlotte's screams are waking them up anyway. I decide to just not care and get up anyway, it takes me a few moments to get my balance back - I haven't stood up in a while.

After that, I rush as quickly as I can towards Charlotte's bed where she's thrashing round as if something is trying to attack her. As gently as I can, I place my hands on her shaking shoulders and softly push her back down on the bed where I try to shake her wake - which doesn't work.

So, I do the first thing that comes to mind and grab the water bottle on her bedside cabinet and pour the contents on her head.

She wakes up spluttering and coughing, I pat her on the back and she begins to cry into my chest. All I can do is hold her while aching sobs rack through her body. After a few minutes I speak,

"You wanna talk about it?"

She shakes her head and laughs, "I hate talking about things - especially my feelings,"

"Okay then, I'm not very good at talking either,"

"About yesterday... I-I-I... Uh... I'm not very good at apologies either," she looks down at her lap in shame.

"Hey, it's okay. I happen to be quite good at apologies, so I'll say I'm sorry for prying. I shouldn't have, we barely know eachother... You just looked so upset,"

"No it's fine - you weren't even prying. I'm... Sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that."

"Hey! You done it!"

"Yeah, are you okay? You look pretty shaken up,"

"It is kind of freaky to see your friend like that - it looked like you were having an epileptic fit," I chuckled.

"Do you even know what an epileptic fit is?"

"No do you?"

"Of course, an epileptic seizure, also known as an epileptic fit is a brief episode of signs or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain." (A/N sooooo didn't copy that from Google ;) )

"Look who swallowed a dictionary!" I laughed.

So we sat like that for the rest of the morning just talking about nothing in particular, tangled up in eachother. That is until the nurses came back and nagged me for getting out of bed, she then shouted at me to get back to my bed immediately.

"Geeze, geeze woman! I'm going - okay!" But I couldn't help but feel lonely without Charlotte in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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