Chapter 2

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Spinning through the air, the world erupts around me and a loud screeching reached my ears. As I fell hard to the tarmac, I could faintly make out the smell of petrol and smoke but they were so distant - barely acknowledgeable. I tried to focus and remember what happened but my eyes were rolling around in their sockets and my memory was shot. I couldn't seem to grasp anything.. Thoughts flooded my mind, I couldn't remember anything, I couldn't feel anything. Am I dead? If so I thought death would be way more peaceful.

That's when realization full set in. I wasn't dead (so much for that), and I knew it within two seconds. Pain erupted from my back and spider webbed its way into my head. The pain was unbearable. I've never felt I've never felt pain as intense as this before. The pain was so bad, that my vision became foggy, the world around me started to fade away, the trees, once beautiful in all of their glory soon became dark. And just like stars winking out in the sunrise my vision became dark and the light around me soon became dull and the world around me was muffled and darkened beyond recognition. Everything seemed so far off....

Suddenly out of no where a face appears in my line of vision. I can't make out many features but I can see the person has curly hair and is wearing a worried expression. The face began to spew words out at an incredible speed, but like I said my world was turned upside down, and my senses along with them. The words that came out of her mouth never met my ears. I was no longer able to distinguish noises around me. I was left completely in the dark, at the mercy of the sea. (metaphor) I could distinguish but one word "sorry".

Sorry for what? I thought. But I don't have long to ponder that thought.

Joining the frantic woman above me comes another face, this one with a much calmer expression, one of a paramedic. I knew this only due to the patch on the jacket he was wearing. I knew he was asking me questions, but I couldn't hear them or seem to get my brain to form a response. I could only let out a blood curdling scream. I swear it probably sounded like someone was butchering me. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn't help but feel like a small child who felt absolutely helpless.

More and more faces began appearing, swirling around in my clouded vision, increasing my confusion. Suddenly I felt somebody place something under my neck and tell me that I'm going to the hospital, before I can register the words I'm being lifted into the air and taken into the ambulance (which hurt like hell),probably, I'm not quite sure about anything anymore - but that is how you usually get to the hospital isn't it?

Driving to the hospital, I felt the pain killers they gave me via IV start to kick in and my entire body went numb. What little sense of focus I had established leaves me along with my pain. I blacked out.

Third Person POV

As soon as we reach the hospital doors, the doctors swarming around the girl laid out on the gurney.

" Female, 13 years old, lost consiciousness in the ambulance. She was walking to school but got hit by a car that didn't indicate, she has severe damage to her head and back. No internal bleeding found on scene but it is likely she may have some." Says one of the paramedics on rounds with me to the surgeons as they wheel her down the corridor on an uncomfortable hospital bed.

 Charolotte Pov

I woke for one second and heard the words Paralyzed. I'm not sure if I dreamed them or not but 


It's the only word that registers in my foggy mind.

Doesn't that mean I won't be able to walk?

That can't happen it will ruin my life!

I'm so caught up thinking about my most likely future that I don't even realise that we are in an operating room until someone tells me to start counting backwards from 100 - wow that has been happening a lot today - I really need to start paying more attention, it could cost me my life one day. Or the use of my legs. The dark side of my mind whispers in my ear, I ignore it and start counting. I barely make it to 90.

* * *

I stare up at the blank white ceiling as the words finally start to sink in.

I'm paralyzed.

I know it's true - I can't move my feet I can't even feel my feet, only a heavyness in their wake. No-one knows I'm awake yet I don't even know how long I've been awake, it could have been minutes or even hours. But those were not the thoughts that plagued mind I can only focus on all the things I can't do anymore : walk, climb, play, run, jump. All of those things and so many more have been snatched from my grasp as easy as pie well... pie isn't that easy - I tried to make it once but it burnt and the smoke alarm went off . Well at least we didn't have to do the usual monthly check to see if it was working.

I still can't believe this is happening to me though. I knew something was missing but this surely can't be it - can it? The universe can't be this cruel. How am I going to get onto the schools swim team if I can't even walk!

A few hours of me constantly torturing myself with my thoughts later, a doctor comes in​ looking slightly surprised to see me sitting up in bed twiddling my thumbs out of boredom. He has dark brown hair - almost black, and his eyes are a similar shade.

" You should really consider getting​ a more interesting wall colour, " I said to him while he just opens and closes his mouth like a goldfish.

He finally finds his voice, " what? "

" I've been staring at a blank white wall for about 4 hours, " I retort. "And I have to say I'm pretty sick of it. "

He heavs out a sigh, " I'm here to tell you that you'r- "

" That I'm paralyzed? Yeah, I already figured that out Doctor... ? "

" Raynold, " he answers " and how did you find out? "

" Well I can't move my legs, isn't that obvious? "

" Well... well yes... but "

This guy surely can't be a qualified doctor, he must be a fake or something.

After agonising minutes of him trying to explain how I had hurt my back and the nerve endings had been severed causing my paralysis, he finally left and my family was allowed to come in. The first thing my mum did was shout at me for not crossing the road properly. " HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD ! "

" I don't know " I respond meekly.

" Don't worry darling it was the man who didn't indicates fault not yours, " she says, her expression softening.

I swear my mum has Mood swings worse than a hormonal teenager sometimes.

"Lily is going to come and visit you tomorrow, she's been so worried about you, Charlotte. "

Lily is my best friend - and always has been ever since she offered me half of her cookie in year 1.

But what would would happen to us, now that I was paralyzed? Would we still hang out or would she be embarrassed of me?

I can think about that tomorrow right now - I need to focus on feeling better. The nurse says that I should be moving into the children's ward tomorrow I'm kind of nervous it also excited I can meet some new friends - and Jack said he would bring me some books to read. But can you believe what happened! My book, and my emergency book got ripped up and damaged in the accident! ITS SO SAAAAAAAAAAD! I JUST WANT MY BOOKS!

My family leaves after comforting​ me about my loss - they were hardback books too! I fall into a fitfull sleep due to the the memories that haunt my every ​sleeping hour. I keep reliving it, over and over and over. Will it ever end?

Maybe I just won't sleep..... 

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