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October 24, 1927

The nights are colder, the leafs have fallen, and the unemployment lines are longer.

A year where the worst of nightmares take place. Having to escape poverty, and slavery of the rich. Never expecting further more but a few coins, while the wealthy bathe in dollars.

My father works his hardest fixing automobiles, while my mother worked her way cleaning mansion, after mansion in Long Island, having to stay most of her weekends over there.

She is now unemployed, like every other woman here.

Unlike me, school was never denied, regardless of the lack of wealth running in the roots of my family. Luckily, I've grown to appreciate every little blessing, of the little money my parents have invested, for my education.

Many have to grow up, working for a piece of bread, because it's their only way to feed their faith of coming out of the misery they lay in.

That's what kept us going.

Every now and then, you'll see beautiful gentlemen, drive past these filth filled streets, as they laugh with their bottle of expensive champagne and beautiful street women in their back seats. I don't blame them, this is what we are to them, a joke.

They're the ones, who run New York after all, while their parents feed us lies, and pay us in coins.

My father has spoken about his business making us filthy rich, because of all the foreigners coming in for the holidays.

Foreigners, so rude, and you can't understand not one word they say.

I've only learned how to say "Bonjour" and "Merci".


I drift off into a beautiful memory of a blue eyed gentleman, I once stumbled upon.

His wide smile, his light freckles, and the mystery behind his name. His elegance and his pity for me as his friends laughed at my idiotic longingly stare towards this stranger.

Dawn hits, and our small little room, we sleep in, is now empty.

Ready for the city, ready for the stares, and the glamorous fashion, of the rich.

Such beautiful cite, such hurtful remarks, a car waiting for us, and a life a head of us.

My name is Marjorie, and this is New York.


A.N: This is the beginning of my new fanfic!

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