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October 27, 1927

Because it was in the city where I had seen that boy, the one who's eyes captivated me, and who's humbleness took all of my attention.

The pleads for permission have been ignored, but I insist, knowing it will always be a no,

"But mother I want to be able to walk around alone. I'm 19 already, I think I can handle it." I tell my mother know about my interest of walking around the city, alone.

"Marjorie, a young woman like you can't be out and about in the city at this time." She sighs as she puts our clothes away, into the new and fine furniture.

"Fine," I say walking back to my room.

My room.

It feels pleasantly good to have something that's rightfully mine.

I lay down on my bed, and I go into a deep daze.

The image of him comes to mind again, as I try to shake it off of me continuously.

The adrenaline in me has risen at the thought of him, a feeling I've never felt before.

The image of his lips, connecting with mine, his hands exploring my body, as I run my fingers through his hair wildly, swirls to the imagination.

"You're a lady", my subconscious tells me, but I shake my head, ignoring the thought as I get up off the bed and quietly sneak out of the apartment.

The jazz of the streets is heard from afar, the men around greet me as they walk by. A few glares at my poorly made dress from the girls coming out of the illegal party a few walks away. I catch a girls smile, as she walks over to me.

"A baby like you shouldn't be out this late" she says giving me a grin, as she chews her gum, and blows it close to my face.

"I'm not a baby, I'm 19 years old. I'm a lady." I speak up for myself as I try to walk away but she pulls my hand unexpectedly.

"Come 'ere! I want you to meet a few of my friends. I promise we're good people."

I can hear the palpitations of my heart, exceed, and thunder through my head.

Her smile is bright, her eyes glow in excitement.

Her hair curls into the air, as she tells me a few things about her, as her hand grasps on to mine.

This was the day I met Julia. A beautiful woman, of age 22.

We turn into a wide alley way, and I stay hesitant. Her pout convinces me, and as she puts her arm around me, making me feel safer.

And there he was, laughing, playfully fighting with his friends.

His loose tie hangs around his neck, his suspenders lay on his sides and his brown dark hair is messy, pale complexion, as he leans back on his car, digging his hands inside his pockets, as our eyes meet half way.

"I know you." He calls out, as I turn around looking like an idiot.

I turn back around to only see him a few inches away from me, as he walks me over to the clean and shiny red Cadillac he was standing upon.

"I-I didn't mean to intrude, I was just looking around the city. I'm not very familiar to these surroundings." I awkwardly smile, as I twiddle with my fingers, as I try to avoid contact with the beautiful stranger in front of me.

"Don't be, I can show you around," he suggests but I shake my head.

I let him know that I am prohibited to be around here at this time, and I walked out off my new home to explore the city.

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