Ch.17 Old Habits Die Hard

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Chrissy's POV:

I wake up to my entire body feeling sore and my head pounding like it never has before. I barely manage to pry my eyes open before the sunlight is burning my eyes, revealing whose room I'm in.

What am I doing at Will's house? Why am I not in my bed at home?

I can barely remember the night before, but one thing I can remember with clarity is jumping out of my window and going somewhere with Sam.

I barely have enough time to collect my thoughts before the door to Will's room is quietly opened, but my ears receive it as the loudest sound I've ever heard. William comes in with a somber look on his face. I don't like seeing him upset, especially when it seems to be directed towards me.

"Hey, how are you feeling princess?" William asks, forcing a smile on his face.

"Not so hot, to be honest. What happened?" I reply.

"Well you sure look hot," He replies with a wink.

I laugh at his childish remark, I really missed this.

"William, tell me what happened," I demand.

Will lets out a loud sigh, obviously not looking forward to recapping last night's events. To be honest, I'm not too thrilled to hear about it either, and I'm even more terrified to go back to my house and face my mother. The last thing I need is her having another reason to extend my grounding.

"Well, Sam took you to a party and you drank a little too much. He called me and asked me to bring you back to my place since he had a couple beers and couldn't drive you home himself," He tells me.

That's not as bad as I thought, things could have turned out worse. At least nobody got hurt, and I can say for certain that after this experience I will never be drinking ever again. This is the worst headache I've ever had.

"So, that's it? Nothing else happened?" I ask, a little skeptical at this point.

"Nope, that's all," He says with a chuckle.

"Well, I'd better go. My mom is going to kill me if she finds out I've been gone."

The clock reads 5:00, so I still have time to make it back home before my mother wakes up. William offers me a ride home, which I gladly take, along with the clothes that I wore last night. I blush, instantly knowing that if I was really drunk I wouldn't have been able to dress myself.

"Thinking about me?," William whispers in my ear, obviously noticing my bright red cheeks.

I shake my head in response, letting the car stay silent for the rest of the ride to my house. I thank William for the ride before forcing the door open and jogging up to my side of the house. I manage to boost myself into the window, waving goodbye to William.

Once I'm in my room, I listen for my mother's footsteps or any other sounds of life in the house. To my relief, I hear nothing, so I decide to take a shower and brush my teeth so I don't reek of alcohol.

I manage to get this done, along with the help of Tylenol, without my head splitting. I exit the shower and get dressed before heading downstairs and deciding to make my mom and my brother breakfast in hopes of being able to leave the house today.

I take the flour and everything else I need to make pancakes and get to work. I can't remember the last time I've made breakfast for my family, probably with my dad before he left us.

I shake this thought from my head. Now isn't the time to ponder my problems with my father. Now is a time to be happy, or at least fake it until I make it.

I place all of the pancakes I made on a plate, and just as I'm setting out the syrup and other toppings my mother comes into the kitchen. My mother has a wide smile on her face, obviously pleased at what I have done.

"Honey, you didn't have to make us breakfast," She tells me, sounding a bit choked up.

I wait for her to mention my absence, but to my surprise she never does.

"I wanted to do something for you, as an apology for scaring you the other day," I tell her honestly.

"Well thank you so much honey, but really, you didn't have to do this. Why don't you call Sam and have a fun day together, but don't think this means you're not grounded. This is just one day of freedom," She says with a harsh look.

Knowing my mother, my grounding has probably been shortened by several days just from some pancakes. I smile, grabbing my phone and texting Sam as I sit down to eat some of the food that I made.

To Sam <3:

Wanna hang out today?

I get a response a couple of minutes later.

Sure babe. So you aren't mad about last night?

I chuckle at his message.

To: Sam<3

Why would I be mad? You wanted to have fun too. At least you got Will to come pick me up. Does this mean you guys are talking again?

Yep. I receive several minutes later.

I head upstairs and throw on a tank top and some skinny jeans. I'm so excited to hang out with Sam later, maybe we'll go on a date tonight.

William's POV:

I hate myself for lying to her, but she can't know the truth. Not just the almost kiss, but Sam cheating on her. It would break her, and I can't handle being the reason for it.

I decide to head out to get my mind off of it, off of her, but as I open the front door I am face-to-face with the girl who broke my heart years ago. The one that my best friend took away from me.

"What do you want Adriana?," I say harshly.

"Will, that's no way to talk to your girlfriend," She pouts, leaning in close.

I hate to admit it, but even years later she still has somewhat of an effect on me.

"You're not my girlfriend. A girlfriend wouldn't screw my best friend while I'm in the other room," I say angrily.

I start to push past her to get out the door, but she catches me with her arm on the way out.

"Baby, it's over. Between him and I. It was stupid and I never should have left. Please forgive me. I can make you forget about her," She whispers in my ear.

My head is spinning, my mind is being taken back into the past, of how it used to be.

I look down into her eyes, tears brimming them. My eyes flick to her lips, still just as irresistible as before.


"Tell me if you want me to stop," She says, but I never do.

Adriana's mouth meets mine in a kiss, lips touching mine that I haven't felt in years.

Author's Note
I hope you guys enjoyed this installment of IOAI! Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts down below. Until next time...

~The Late Night Book Addiction

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