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First Person P.O.V.
A Day Later.

I wake up to the startling light on the leather couch in the common room. Yesterday night I came down to lay on the couch, Draco still wasn't out of the hospital wing. I was worried.

I rub my eyes and realize where I am. I stand up and walk up the stairs in a struggling manner.

I open the door to my room and change out of my pajamas that I had on.

I open up my trunk and get out a fresh pair of robes and take a shower.

I get dressed into my robes and leave my room. I walk down the girl's stairs and go to the hospital wing.

I open up the door and look for Madam Pomfrey. "Madam Pomfrey?" I call out.

She pops out of a curtain. "Yes dear?" Madam Pomfrey says. "Is Draco awake yet?" I ask.

"No, no. Not yet at least. Though he should be in around an hou,." She says.

"Could I wait for him?" I ask her.

"Sure thing. I'll go and get a seat for you." Madam Pomfrey says.

She walks off and comes back with a rolling chair. She slides the chair over next to Draco's bed.

"Thank you," I said, walking and sitting on the chair. I look over at Draco and notice how much paler he is than usual. I did not even think that it was possible.

Then I notice that he is not happy, nor angry, nor sad. He lacks emotion entirely as if he was floating off into a dream land.

I cautiously reach for his hand, making sure that I do not wake him up. I carcass his hand gently. I smile at him.

That is funny, the boy who tripped me made me smile. I mean, he made me cry too... But that just ruins the moment to be honest.

I see Draco start to move a bit and I smile again.

"Madam Pomfrey! Draco is waking up." I call to her, dropping his hand.

She rushes into the curtained area to see if he's in pain.

Draco opens his eyes and sits up a little. He was in pain, if he wasn't then he was even crazier. "Where is Y/N?" Draco asks, turning onto his side to see me.

I am touched by the fact that he asked for me first. "I'm here," I say, waving a hand at him.

Draco smiles at me, a thing that he rarely did.

"I'll leave you two alone for now," Madam Pomfrey says. She walks out and closes the curtain.

Once she closes the curtain I throw my arms around Draco as if it is natural for me, which now it feels like it is.

"You're happy to see me?" He asks.

"Duh," I sigh in relief. "I slapped Potter for you if it makes you feel any better. Well, across his arm that is." I say to him.

"It really does, Y/N." He jokes. "Really," Then he pulls me in for another hug.

He Tripped Me//Draco Malfoy X Fem!Reader//✔Where stories live. Discover now