Chapter 12

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Niall's POV

Once we all got inside we had rehearsal right away so that meant it was 5sos turn first so I took a seat next to Alyssa and the other boys played FIFA

"I'm sorry if I was a dick before I'm just not ready for you to grow up I mean you are my little sister" I said as she looked away from Luke and at me "Niall I always will be your little sister and I'm not mad at you for being a dick i love you ok" she said hugging me I hugged her back smiling

"I love you to lol Horan" I said ruffling her hair as she put her attention back on Luke I think I'll actually let them be because if they like each other how can I stop that and if I tell her she can't be with him she's not gonna listen,if she really likes him and he treats her right like he's supposed to

Alyssa's POV

Every song 5sos played was amazing "that was so great" I said smiling "thanks love now we sit and wait for about 3 hours then we have a show" Luke said sitting beside me where Niall just got up from

"Ugh that means I have to sit here with you for 3 hours" I said playfully smirking "fine I guess I'll just ignore you the rest of the day" he said smiling and looking away

"No I'm just kidding Lukey I'm sorwy"i said putting my bottom lip out making him laugh at me "your so adorable" he said making me blush "thanks" I said looking down "I know you don't believe me babe but I wouldn't say it just to say it I say it cause it's true" he whispered as I looked back up at him "I really wanna kiss you right now" he breathed out

"Do it" I said forgetting about everyone and everything as he leaned in and placed his lips on mine I smiled as he found my hand and intertwined our fingers together as our lips moved in sync

"Oh my god guys Luke grew some balls" Michael screamed making us pull away quickly and blush deeply "shut up Michael" Luke said covering his face in the cutest way making me smile

"Well that was a quick 3 hours" I said as the boys showed me to the dressing room "ok wait here while we get dressed" Niall said kissing my cheek and running off with every one else as I sat down on a couch and scrolled through twitter

I loved the attention I got from the fans they were so nice to me I guess it was because one time I got hate and Niall put on twitter if it ever happened again he would quit the band and not ever sign anything or take a picture with any of his fans

As I scrolled through the tweets I saw one that caught my eye


who else thinks that @lil-horanxx and @luke_5sos would be cute together come on let's get #lukeandalyssa trending

(Not real twitter names)

I smiled at the tweet and I don't know why "favorite it" I turned around and saw Luke smiling at my phone "w-what" I said stuttering "fav it cause you never know it might be true one day" he said as he was called to go to stage

I faved it then put my phone away and went to watch from the side of the stage not even watching just thinking about what Luke just said to me and what he meant by it

Does he like me? or was he just playing around? does he even want me to be his? all of these questions ran through my head as 4 sweaty boys ran off stage

"Give us a hug alyssa" Ashton said as they all hugged me tightly "you'll figure out what I meant not now but soon" I heard like whisper as they all pulled away I had my disgusted face on

"You guys made me smell tell Niall that I'm at the hotel taking a shower" "ok but we won't be home til later cause we have an after party" Michael said fist bumping

"Well I'm fucking tired so I'll leave with you" Luke said as we both walked to the hotel

When we got there Luke said he'd walk me to my room so I let him with out any hesitation "you know I'm not tired right after you and me cause I'm sweaty, take a shower we're going out" he said smirking

"Are we now" I said giggling "I mean if you want" he said getting all nervous "I'd love to Luke" I said hugging him "yay" he said smiling "I love how you can be so confident one minute then so nervous the next"

"Psht I'm never nervous" he said blushing "oh really now I bet I can make you nervous right now" I said smirking "nope" he said facing me "are you sure" I said inching my face closer to his as he gulped "ok you got me I am really nervous right now but it's your fault" he said as I backed away looking at him confused

"R-really how" I asked "because every day I'm gaining more and more feelings for you and I don't know how to react cause this is the fastest I've ever gained feelings for some one that's how Alyssa" he said as I pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him softly

"Since it's getting you wanna go out tomorrow" I asked as he put his forehead on mine "yea, I was going to wait to ask but I don't know if I can so will you be my girlfriend" he asked bitting his lip nervously

I smiled brightly "I'd love to Luke" I said as his eyes widened and he smiled from ear to ear "you will" he said as I nodded

He kissed me picking me up and spinning me around at the same time "this is great" he said pulling away I looked at my phone and it was already 10:30

"Well I'm going to take a shower and go to bed good night boyfriend" I said smiling "goodnight girlfriend" he said kissing me one last time and walking off as I went inside and took a shower and falling asleep

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