Chapter 1

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Alyssa's P.O.V

Hey my names Alyssa Horan I am 17 years old and yes I am related to Niall Horan from one direction I am his sister me and him have been really close since our parents died in a car crash 5 months ago he is the only one there for me no matter what

I moved into his flat just last week because I felt too alone I had no one to hang out with Niall always has friends over they were called Louis Liam Zayn and Harry but you probably already guessed that because they are like brothers and his band mates

I was sitting in my room when I heard the door open and close signalling that Niall was home from recording I jumped up from my bed and ran down stairs greeting him with a hug "hi nialler" I said ruffling his hair he was just two years older than me but not much taller

"Hi lil Horan" he said hugging me back "how was recording today" I asked grabbing two water bottles and handing him one "thank you, and it was the same" he answered taking a drink of his water "sounds fun" I said sarcastically "you know it" he said in the same tone rolling his eyes

"Oh yea good news" he said smiling brightly "and what's that" I asked now eager to know "you know how I'm going to tour soon" he said "yea soon as in like 3 days" I said interrupting him "well any way management told me...drum roll please" he said as I banged on the table "I can bring one person and I choose you" he said my jaw dropped "what!" I said excitedly

"You heard me now go pack cause some times they make us leave earlier then planned" he said as I tackled him in a bone crushing hug "thank you thank you thank you I love you so much" I said jumping up and down "if you don't go pack I'll change my mind and take some one else

I stopped hugging him and ran up to my room "I love you to by the way" he yelled after me

"Clothes ✔️ shoes✔️ washroom stuff✔️ swim suit✔️ phone✔️ phone charger✔️ ear buds✔️ ok I think that's every thing" I told Niall bringing my bags down stairs it was now the day we leave and I was super excited "gezz why didn't we just take your whole room" Niall said putting my bags in the back of his car

"Niall it's only 3 bags it's not that much" I said rolling my eyes at him "it is to me" he said closing the back "oh wait I forgot something" I said running inside and up to my room I walked to my bed side table and opened the drawer and grabbed the wallet sized picture of me Niall mum and dad and put it my wallet

I wiped an unknown tear from my face and turned around to see Niall with red puffy eyes "come here" he croaked opening his arms I hugged him tightly "I-I miss them s-so much Niall" I cried into his chest "shh I know I do to" he said with a sniffle

"Ok let's leave this crying here and have a good time on tour eh" Niall said I nodded as he wiped the last few tears and kissed my cheek I smiled as we walked out to the car and made our way to the airport

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