Epilogue:Chapter 20 (Wedding)

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Peridot's pov:
It has been 6 months and im nervous about the wedding. "Stop fidgeting"Prehnite said as he fixed my tie. I grumbked as he finished it was itchy.

"It's itchy"I said trying not to destroy the tie. "My doesnt"Prehnite said "Your wearing a bow tie"I said he smiled. "Dont worry sis you can do it!"He said slappig my bak which really hurt. "Yeah calm down"Adalawin said. She returned to our dimension 2 months ago. "Easy for you to say your wearing a white tux with no tie!"I said angrily.

Adalawin shrugged "Amethyst is wearing a tie so what gives it's still the same"Blueshard said. "Easy for you to say" I said trying not to scratch my neck.

Meanwhile in Lapis's room

"Aww I want to see Peridot!"Lapis said. "You cant rules are rules"Pearl said. "Omg Lapis your so beautiful!"Sapphire said. "Thanks"I said I was thinking about Peridot.

Back to Peridot's room
"You ready?"Steven asked me as we entered "Ofcourse you are my best man afterall"I said he smiled and I stood at the place where I am suppose to be. The priest was smiling at me "What?"I asked. "Stop fidgeting it looks like you have a bug"He said. I grumbled.

Everyone stood up and I saw Lapis coming the music was cant help falling in love with you but wedding version. I blushed she was so beautiful as stood infront of me. "You  look gorgeous"I said. "You also"She said I blushed. "Say your vows nd speech"The priest said.

"Lapis the first time I meet you I know you were the one you were so nice,funny and cute. I knew you were my soulmate from the start our first date was fun because you tried to teach me how to swim in which I couldnt"I said. I heard giggling from the crowd.

"When we broke up it was all my fault and I was heartbroken to see you with Jasper,My vow is that i'll always be at your side until we die"I said smiling. She smiled

"Peridot when I met you we bumped into each other. The momment we touch I knew you were the one. I remembered we rode a roller coaster and you were scared that you had to hug me. I was blushig madly my vow is that I promise I will never cheat on you and I will always love even though we fight"Lapis said.

"Any objections?"The priest asked their was silence.  "Peridot do you take Lapis as your wedded wife till death do you part?"The priest asked Steven gave me the rings and I placed on Lapis's finger. "I do"I said.

"Lapis do take Peridot as your wedded wife till death do you part?"The riest aske lapis placed the ring on my finger. "I do"She said. "You may now kiss the bride"The priest we kissed everyone cheered.

We had a party and we were dancing.

What  a happy ending

Yes!!!This book is finished their married yayy!!! Be sure to read book 2 of this

Green and Blue equals to you (sequel to trying to fix broken pieces of the heart)

Thank you friends!

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