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Big Bo

Road trips! As a super star player himself who goes to different countries, he barely got some chances to see the whole world up close. Most likely the cities , but never the outside of the populated part of a country . So you decided to use your weekends going on road trips from various countries. Of your favorite things about road trips, is that you get to see the natural attractions Mother Nature would gladly show.

"Hey BB! Check out this view, you can see the sea from up here!" You exclaimed, signalling the big man to come close at the view. His eyes soon gleamed in amazement as soon a8he gaze down at the view of the open sea below you.

"Woah, beautiful..." he awed, making you giggle and continue to watch the waves riffle. A smile curled up against his face and shook his head slightly, "I'm not talking about the waves, angel~" He mumbled and wrapped his arms around your little form. Quickly realized what he meant and attempt to hide your huge blush.

Twisting Tiger

A nice, relaxing spa treatment . Let's face it, being a well known superstar can be exhausting, and that includes being their girlfriend. You have to face man labor (training), trash talks from opponents, run away from fans, paparazzis, The medias and many more. So technically, with all that stress weighing your backs, you best place to go is a 5 star hotel, with a spa~... or, at least that what Tiger said.

"Tiger, are you sure about this? Don't ya think it's a... bit too much?"

"(y/n), as much as I love you and the house. I cannot accept myself to spend an actual whole weekend with paparazzis breaking in my house and answering obvious questions. So... yeah, besides, you're parents are taking care of it- so there's no need to worry~!"

"*sigh *... I just hope we won't be seeing any wedding genres when we get back."


Hang out in the Flower Garden . He's like the little German cinnamon roll- innocent and naive. It's funny since people thought he would be the daring one in the relationship and you would be the sweet angel, when in fact it's the opposite... apparently. Klaus has this craving of visiting your Flower garden, so, your most likely find yourselves in the garden than inside the house. Your not gonna lie, but it was nice. The German would often suggest ordering new native flowers so the place could 'be more colorful', speaking of which:

"So, I vas thinking about getting some carnations..."

"Klaus, we already got, like, 2 of those flowers."

"But zhose vere only red und Yellow. I vas thinking of having pink carnations!"

You look over him and gave him a 'okay, why?' Stare.

The next thing you know was his arms wrapping around your body and smiled.

"So I can have something zhat resembles jou vhenever I visit zis place."

"...... cheesy. Alright let's do it."

Coach (David)

Okay seriously, this guy a freaking workaholic ant. So I suppose staying in the house and doing absolutely nothing would be a good idea to spend the weekends.

"David what the heck happen to you!? You look like You haven't slept... wait--"


"You've been watching Big Bang Theory, haven't you?"

He only nodded in response. You sigh and move a bit from the couch for him to sit, he slowly walk over to you and lay his head on your lap, sleeping instantly.

"No more TV for you."

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