Chapter 3

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After a couple minutes I pick up my phone and the white digital clock says 10:52. I unlock it and I have five missed calls from Char and a couple text messages.

Hey come to Dylan's house! There is a huge ass party and it is funnnn ;)

I stand up and pick up my towel, shaking the sand off of it. I don't really feel like going back home right now, so I guess I will drop by and see what Char is doing. I look down at my outfit and realize I am only wearing a bathing suit. I remember Dylan has a jacuzzi in his backyard so it wouldn't be completely unacceptable to show up in this. Plus it's not as bad as what some of those sluts where that always seem to show up. Ashton stands up next to me and grabs his towel.

"My friend texted and said there was a party down the street so I was gonna check that out" I tell him and he nods.

"I was going to head home anyways so I could walk you there?" He asks and raises his eyebrows. I smile and accept his offer.

It is surprisingly a bit chilly outside, even though it is June. I wrap my towel around myself and Ashton chuckles.

"What?" I look at him and ask.

"You just don't strike me as a hot pink type of girl" He laughs again and I know he is referring to the bright towel around my body. I can see where he is coming from; small tattoos litter my body and my nose ring definitly adds to the argument.

"I'm just kidding" He adds when he sees how I lower my eyes playfully. 

"You better be." I say and bump into his side. He bumps me back and we both laugh at one another. Dyaln's large house comes into view and I can practically hear the music from here. 

"There it is" I point to the only house on the block with lights still on and Ashton's eyebrows furrow.

"Wait that one?" He asks

"Ya?" I reply in confusion.

"That's where I live" He says and I step back. I have met all of Dylan's roomates and I practically live here on the weekends, when Char drags me along to party with her. 

"But I've never seen you here?" I ask him and we share the same confused look.

"Ya, well I moved in a couple days ago since I'm starting university next semester at USC." He explains

"Oh" is all I say and we walk across the street into the house. We step inside and it is completely packed with people dancing and drinking alcohol. 

"Well, umm, I'm gonna go find my friend" I tell Ashton and he frowns.

"Ok I'm gonna go upstairs and try to get some sleep."

"Ok" I say silently wishing that he would stay up and hang out with me.

"Bye." He says and waves to me before turning around and walking away, leaving me standing in this house alone surrounded by a bunch of drunk people. I pull out my phone and text Char that I'm here. She doesn't respond so I shove my phone in my bathing suit top and put my towel bag by the front door.

I make my way through the crowded living room and into the kitchen to get a drink. Jugs of different colored vodka are sitting on the counter and I pour myself a cup of the blue one. Since I'm alone I better make the best of it so I go back into the living room while slowly downing my drink. The music is way too loud but I kind of like it. I pull my hair out of the bun and run my hands through it before stepping into a group of people dancing. I move my hips back and forth and run my hands through my hair feeling free and actually happy. Song after song, I refill my cup numerous times and I can feel myself getting more tipsy by the sip. A guy behind me slowly steps closer and grabs my hands, rubbing his front against my back. I lean into him and sway my hips faster and harder and I feel him get hard against me; it's been a long time since I've danced like this with another person and it feels odd. Another song passes by and the same guy is still dancing behind me, pressing himself furhter against me. I start to get bored and try to step away but he still holds my hand.

"Come upstairs with me" He says too close to my face. The smell of weed radiates off of him and I try to step away again. This time he pulls me up against him and he slobbers all over my cheek in an attempt to kiss me.

"Get the fuck off of me!" My voice is loud, but no one standing near us is aware of this creep getting way too close to me.

I think of a way to get him to let go of me and something comes to mind. My knee hits his crotch with full force and he practically falls to the ground in pain. His hands let go of me so I take that as my chnce to run the fastest I can in my alcohol-impaired state. I see the stairs and climb two at a time, hoping this guy isn't following me. I reach the top of the stairs and he is nowhere in sight, thank god. The second door on the left is slightly open so I decide to walk in to hide myself in case that guy does follow me up here. 

I turn the light on to find a bathroom and put the lid down on the toilet to sit on it. I pull my phone out of my top and it is almost one in the morning. I can feel the alcohol wearing off and a pounding headache makes its way in. The toilet isn't very comfortable to sit on so I move to the floor. I get down all the way and lie my head on my arms. My heavy eyes slowly close and I try to ignore the fact that I am falling asleep on some strangers bathroom floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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