Viva Sweden!

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Capítulo 3: Viva Sweden!

It's at this point that things get ugly. What do I mean? because the fact that zombies don't rot, they are in a way (very twisted way) immortal.

Yes, our fears came true! There are lots of zombies like My boyfriend's a zombie, the romantic movie!

I cursed my situation by prostrating myself on the ground, striking this one with my fist, in the purest style of the film The Planet of the Apes, the original with Charlton Heston, not Tim Burton, in his "lost touch" stage.

I'm sure you're all pulling your hair out and taking pity on my sad person for coming into such a twisted world.

Well, things aren't so bad, I mean, all times have their good and bad things. For example, in Hollywood we are always confronted with the beauty of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, you know: "the beautiful age".

However, in that "beautiful age", unlike the film The Age of Innocence with Winona Ryder, there was no social security, no labor rights, etc. It was hell if you weren't rich and had to work from sunrise to sunset to get a piece of bread to your mouth.

In this 23rd century, many advances have been made. Remember that old Super Sonic cartoon? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't. Anyway, in that cartoon, the protagonist always complains that he works a lot, but in reality he works only three hours a day. Well, the truth is that I don't remember much about that children's show, but in the future that's the workday, the logic of this time is that the shorter the hours, the happier the worker will be and the happier the option of inserting more people into the labor market. And the surprising thing is that it works, the salaries are good and the difference between the upper and middle classes has almost disappeared. A good idea that in my time was promoted by Sweden.

So I could say other social and technological advantages of this world, but for the case that leads you to the reading of this story, I will limit myself to focusing on one: Discrimination (zombie).

In the 23rd century, almost all forms of discrimination, whether based on race, religion, etc., were abolished. They've been eliminated. Only one discrimination remains in the world: Zombies can't work.

That's the discrimination you'll ask me? How about the very fact of calling them zombies?

Well, yes, a pompous term was invented to call them: Renewed Rights People.

Of course, young people use another term: friends.

Some zombies are called by proper names, but they are still not allowed to work. All this came about because of a lot of more technical legal obstacles than anything else, for example: a person with renewed rights does not need to eat, so it is useless to work and take away the opportunity to work from a normal person. Like the example above there are plenty of cases.

This was a serious problem for my mission to collect data for the army. How could I feed myself if I am denied any choice of employment?

Of course you'd say: What an idiot, stop pretending to be a zombie and mingle with normal people.

The problem with this would be that all use of goods and services is regulated biometrically. The booth through which I learned the history of this century and the last? Easy my Sherlock, it was a defective cabin that was already repaired, I will never have such luck again.

There are certain advantages to continuing with my zombie cover, for example, a zombie can enter any place as long as the door is open. No one would suspect a zombie as a trade secret spy.

I can go anywhere to get information about this time and everyone would think I came through the open door. There is no danger because people do not attack zombies, and therefore, zombies do not try to bite someone. This relationship is so perfect that zombie muzzles were banned almost 160 years ago.

Well, let's get to work, it's a good thing the door locks haven't been complicated in these two centuries. I'm going to use the training I was given in the army for this mission, I hope I find a digital camera because I'm no Sheldon Cooper, don't act crazy, I mean that one from The Big Bang Theory, the insufferable lanky one with eidetic memory. Unlike him, I have no photographic memory and the camera would work wonders for me.

First, I decide to go into an ordinary house, you know, to see how things are. I wouldn't want to enter an industrial or military complex and have an unpleasant surprise.

I watch the house for a whole day and see that only two adults live in it, who have already gone to work. I'm starving and my judgment is beginning to suffer, I just hope there's something good to eat in the house, my guts are roaring.

Good, there are several sandwiches that quickly went into my stomach, how strange that when I entered the kitchen I couldn't see any refrigerator.

I don't see any digital cameras and the strangest thing is that in the living room, I see three strange armchairs taken from a science fiction film, as they seem to be encapsulated in a kind of glass capsule like the one that modern cell phones have and there are also various electronic devices installed in the armchair.

"What are you doing here?" I suddenly hear a woman's voice sound behind my back.

I try to move and moan like a zombie so I don't get caught.

"Hey, I saw you on the security cameras and how you ate the sandwiches. No "friend" eats sandwiches."

"Oh, hell, how am I gonna get out of this?"


A zombie in the 23rd century (completed 11/11)Where stories live. Discover now