Dodge ball? Dodge Love

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Taehyung's​ pov

I tripped Irene because I'm really annoyed with her earlier in the class. I just did what I usually do, actually she's lucky that I just tripped her, some students who annoy me got a slap or a punch from me. But I heard she had a sprained ankle.

Because of that group red velvet I am here at the Principal's office​. Doing an apology letter 'Because I tripped a beautiful transfer student' I swear if I got out of here I'll make her life a hell and a disaster. I'll also let red velvet suffer, but kookie likes Yeri. That Yeri is really dense.

I don't know why kookie even likes her, Jungkook became a Playboy because of her. Because he wants to get over her because red velvet is our group enemy. He dated 3-5 girls every single day to get over her, but he just can't. And Yeri thinks his a Playboy because he is born as it. Tsssss

Irene's pov

"Okay start........NOW!" Mr. Jung shouted and.....they played. Not actually played but they like fight.
They really hated each other huh. Except for Jungkook who carefully throws just not to hit Yeri. Aww how sweet of him.

Wendy groaned when she's out and hitted by a guy, I think that's sugar? Sugane? Suga!? Yeah I think it's Suga. They told me everything about these boys that they are such jerks and stuff. Wow Seulgi hit Jimin with a dodge ball.... She smiled in victory when,

"Unnie look out!" Joy shouted at Seulgi and Seulgi got hit in her arms by Jin. Joy is angry so he dodged him back. Now it's just Joy, Yeri, Suga and Jungkook. Suga threw the ball to Joy while Yeri threw it to Jungkook. Jungkook didn't get hit but Joy did. Yeri is the only girl, Suga threw the ball going straight to Yeri's head.

Everyone gasped at the scene even BTS gasped.

"J-jungkook? W-wake up! Hey stop playing around!" Yeri shouted while worrying about an unconscious Jungkook. His Head is bleeding. Suga on the other hand ran to him and tried to woke him up. The BTS members took Jungkook to the nurse's office.

"Yah! Yeri, stop crying already..." Seulgi comforted Yeri.

"The ball should be hitten on me! I should be lying in that bed not him!" She shouted and cried.

" Why are you worrying like this then? You already like him don't you?" Wendy said which made us shock, anticipating for her answer.

" I don't know! These days, when he got near me I get excited and every time I send him away or rejected him, I felt guilty and sad." Well that sounds like she really like him.

"Yeri if you don't like him, you would just say sorry to him and leave. But this? You cried for him, worried for him and got concerned for him? I think it's not like anymore. It's love" I said to her.

"Yeah, and look Yeri. I don't think he's playing with you cause if he didn't care for you, he wouldn't sacrifice himself for you. He loves you Yeri."

"You really think so?" We all agreed and she nodded and went inside for Jungkook. After 2 minutes of her inside, BTS came out with Taehyung. He glared at me, but I pretended I didn't see. The bell rang so we went inside the subject? English!

Jungkook's pov

I woke up and saw a white ceiling, where am i? I tried to move but my head hurts and I felt something or someone holding my hand. I looked at the person surprised to see a sleeping Yeri.

She's really beautiful, since the day she transfered here. She automatically got my heart. Love at first sight.

She suddenly moved and saw me awake so she asked me questions.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere? How's your head? Do I need to call the nurse? Why did you save me from the ball?" Wow this girl is really worried about me huh.

"No need to call the nurse. You. Here. With me. Best moment in life." She got shocked by my answer and asked me her last question earlier.

"Why did you protect me from the ball?"

"Is sit wrong for me to protect the one I love?" I pulled her down which made her fall right into me so I hug her tight. Surprisingly she hugged me back. I smiled at the moment.I let go of her.

" I love you Yeri. I really do ever since you transfered here." She got shocked.

"I love you too. I just realized it earlier that I love you and don't want you to die." I smiled.

" So.... Will you be my girlfriend?" She was hesitating to answer.

"Yes but what about our friends?" I looked at her and realized.

"They'll understand us. Tomorrow BTS and RED VELVET will sit in one table." I comforted her.

" Okay, go to sleep now. I don't want your head to ache." She said with a worried tone.

"You'll stay with me?"

"I'll stay with you."

So eventually jungri started a relationship..... What do you think guys?
Will the members agree?

Next subject in the next chapter is English. Who do you think is the teacher?
Comment the teacher.

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