For you

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Okay before I start I want to ask you guys.....

Who's your bias in BTS and Red Velvet?

Irene's pov

I cried and ran upstairs. I bumped to someone I looked up and saw Jimin. He shook his head to Taehyung and brought me to their room.

"Omo... Unnie! Why are you crying!?" I told Seulgi everything.

"That Jerk! I'm gonna kill him..."

"Seulgi please just stay here."

"I'm there too... I heard your conversation earlier Irene." Jimin said while comforting me

I smiled and brought a topic...

"Yah Seulgi! I thought you like Taeyong! Why did you say you like Jimin!?" She blushed.

"I-i I was planning to make Jimin Jealous...."

"And it worked tho..." We looked at Jimin and he smiled.

"So are you at thing now?"

"No.... Not yet." Jimin stated and got out of bed.

"Irene you sleep on the bed with Seulgi. I'll sleep on the floor." I nodded and thanked him. I wish he is kind like Jimin.

Taehyung's pov

We got out of Suga hyung's house. Jennie said I should buy her the dress she saw last night at the mall.

When we got there, we went or more like she forced me to go inside the store. I looked around and it's All dresses​ or gown. I guess this shop is just for girls.

She pulled out one dress that I think it's too revealing. She got to the fitting room and showed me, guess what I'm right. it's too revealing​.

Her cleavage is showing, the dress ends at he upper thigh and it's freaking off shoulder.

"Babe....isn't that too revealing??" She frowned and rolled her eyes.

"You love me right?" I nodded.

"Then buy me this dress." I nodded and she went inside the fitting room to change.

She's really annoying right now, you know? Do you want me to break up with her? I guess I will.

I will break up with her and after a few days I'll ask Irene to be my girlfriend.

"Oppa...... Let's eat, I'm hungry~" she whined which annoyed me.

"Okay..... Let's go. Where do you want to eat?". She smiled.

"The most expensive restaurant in here!" I widened my eyes. I know I'm rich but WTF??

"O-okay..... Let's go!" I fake smiled.

We both went on the MOST EXPENSIVE RESTAURANT, and guess what she ordered the MOST EXPENSIVE DISH..... Yeah, I'mma break up with her.

"Here's your order..." The waitress gave us our dish.

After 10 minutes of eating, I decided to break up with her.

"Umm.... Jennie?"

"Yes oppa?"

"Let's...... Break up."

"Why? Don't you Love me anymore? You said you love me!"

"Yeah but..... I love someone else now...."

"It's Irene isn't it?" I nodded. She scoffed.

"Look here Taehyung, if you dare to break up with me, I'm gonna call my daddy's guards and break the bones of that Irene girl. I'm gonna make both your lives a hell...."

I  looked at her.... I scoffed... I don't believe her.

"What makes you think I believe you?"

She took put her phone and showed me a pic of a girl, bloody and her face cannot be seen because of the blood and Jennie is posing a wacky sign..... Did she???

" This is the girl that my ex replaced me..... I told my guards to kill her.... My ex is Jin.... This girl is SinB." SinB? I thought she moved school that's why she's not in our school any more?

"Do you want this to happen to Irene?" I shook my head. She smirked.

"Good then.... Do as I say, to save the love of your life." I nodded quickly.

"Wait does Jin know about this??" She shook her head.

"No and if you are going to tell him.... I'll kill your precious Irene."

"No.... Please don't!"

"Ok... Then be cold to her, bully her, make her life a hell. Make her Jealous.... If not....." She took a fork and stab the plate which caused a loud noise.

I gulped and nodded.

I'm sorry Irene...... I'm doing this......... For you.

Yeah short chapter..... Well.... Saranghae!!!!

I Hate That I Love You!    //BangtanVelvet//Where stories live. Discover now