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Taehyung's pov

She pulled me out of the restaurant. Her single touch sent shivers down my spine. I guess I really love her so much.

"Yah! What was that?" She whispered to me..

"What? I acted as your boyfriend right? You should be thankful." I said which annoyed her.

"No.... Not that! Thank you for doing that but.... Why the heck did you kiss me?" I smirked at what she said.... She's so cute.

"Just admit that you liked it..." I teased her.

"W-who told you I d-did?" I smirked even wider.

"Then why did you stutter?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I-i Didn't!"

"Oh really?" U teased her more.

"Yeah yeah, whatever....." I smiled in victory.

" you liked it???" She blushed.

"Yes... Now stop. You're embarrassing me..." She hid her face with her hands.

"You're so cute." I mumbled so she didn't hear it.


We both went to a fancy restaurant. I'm planning to confess to her today in front of many people. I hope she say yes.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked while we are entering the restaurant.

"You'll see." I smiled at her.


"Aishh... Why does waiters flirt with their customers? It's so annoying...." She seemed annoyed. I smirked.

"Why? Jealous much?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Dude, you wish..." She pouted. I smiled cheekily and kissed her cheek.

WAIT.... WHAT!!??

"Yah! Taehyung!" I looked at Irene who is frowning at me.

"Your spacing out again..." Wait.... That's just my imagination???

Well.... What the hell.

"Umm.... What were you saying again?" She sighed.

"I just want to say I-" I couldn't hear what she said because of the loud horn of a car.

"What? Sorry I don't hear you bec-"

She...... Kissed me.

Am I imagining thing again? I looked at her. She's really pretty...

She pulled off.

"I.... Love you." She said blushing and avoiding eye contact.

"Irene.... Look at me." She glanced at me and looked away again. I sighed and took her chin with my thumb.

"Irene.... You make me happy everyday, your touch, eyes, smile, everything about you is perfect for me. You are brighter than the sun. You express your feelings without hesitating and that's what I like about you Irene." She sobbed.

"But I LOVE you.... Do you just LIKE me?" She sobbed harder. Great, people are looking at us now.

"Let's repeat that again. That's what I LOVE about you Irene." She smiled. I hugged her and she hugged back.

"Irene... Will you be my girlfriend?" She looked shock.

"Yes~ yes yesssss" she hugged me.... I smiled and kissed her cheeks.

People in the restaurant are cheering for us. I hope we can stay like this forever Irene...

I love you

I Hate That I Love You!    //BangtanVelvet//Where stories live. Discover now