Chapter 15

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Wendy's pov:
We got into Dipper's car again and being the gentleman he is, he helped me again into the car. Once he got in and we both were buckled up, we drove off.

Time Skip: 10 minutes

I smiled and turned to Dipper as we parked, he looked at me with a nervous but smiling expression on his face. "What's the matter Dip?" I asked in loving concern. "I'm just feeling very nervous to see everyone's reaction to us dating" he said embarrassed. I leaned in and kissed him then cupping his face making sure he was looking at me. "Everything will be alright, i'm sure Mable will go through the roof with happiness for us, Soos will still want to be our friends considering he has Melody so he'll understand and i'm sure Stan and Ford will be happy to know you have your special someone... which is forever me" I said with confidence and that helped Dipper relax a bit. "Alright, let's do this!" Dipper said fearlessly. He got out and closed his door before running over to my side and opened my door and extending a hand which of course, I took. He then closed my door and locked it up. We walked up to the enterance as Dipper grabbed my hand and we walked in to find everyone.

Dipper's pov:
As we were walking around, all the townsfolk began to notice what was happening between the hero that saved Gravity Falls from weirdmaggedon and the towns one and only lumberjill. Everyone from Lazy Susan to Tyler and even Old Man Mcgucket were there and all looked at us with big smiles and we could already tell that we have their support. We kept walking for another minute or so before someone stepped in front of us. "HELLO!" She said excitedly...

Mable's pov:
I was running around at the fair not caring if i'm 18 or not, I still like to act like a kid sometimes because that's just who I am. I had a snowcone and some smile dip which made me go on a sugar hype. Anyway, I decided to sit down so I don't tire myself out because I wanted to enjoy the fair still and not have to go to sleep so early. So I found a bench and sat there as the sugar rush slowly died down until I spotted something in the crowd... "Wait... am I seeing this right?" I asked myself as I rubbed my eyes. "Dipper and Wendy, holding hands!? Are they offical- I don't care, i'm gonna ask them myself!" I said excitedly as I began to run towards them. "HELLO!" I said as I jumped in front of them and landed on my back but I immediatley got back up and dusted myself off before getting an eyefull of them. "So is it true!?" I asked excitedly and happily. Dipper looked at Wendy as she then let go of Dipper's hand and turned Dipper towards her and they leaned in and kissed each other which made me feel so happy for the both of them. Wendy then went for air before turning her head and she looked at me with a big smile on her face as she said "Yes we are" and I can tell she said it proudly. I then grew a big smile on my face and I ran to them and hugged both of them at the same time as I had tears of joy running down my face. "I'm so proud of you bro bro, and same goes for you Wendy" I said emotionally. They immediatley hugged me back and my heart went warm when they replied with a thank you that I know that they really meant it. After I released them from the hug, they held hands again and smiled at each other before looking at me. "Come on guys, let me take you to Grunkle Stan! I'm sure he'll be pleased about this!" I said excitedly. I began to fast walk and kept looking back to make sure they were following me which they were. "Come on guys! Keep oof!" I accidentally ran into someone without looking. I fell to the groud and landed on my butt.

Soos's pov:
I was walking around placing fake saftey approval certificates on anything that would look like a lawsuit just like Mr.Pines told me to when I accidentally collided with someone. I dropped the certificates and helped the lady up, I then realized it was Mable. "Thanks Soos" Mable said happily. "No problem Mable-bone" I said with a smile. "Soos, look over here!" Mable said as she turned my head to look at something when I realized what she was on about. "Bro-ham!, Wendy! If you guys are holding hands... does this mean your dating!?" I asked happily. "Yes we are Soos" Dipper said meaningfully. "I'm so happy for you both" I said excitedly as I decided to give them a bearhug but obviously not as tight as they used to be. When I let go of them, I heard Dipper ask me "Hey Soos, can we please see Grunkle Stan?". "Of course bro, I'll take ya to him now if you like" I said still feeling excited and happy for them, it reminds me of me and Melody. "Yes please" they said together.

Grunkle Stan's pov:
I was in the same old rigged water tank for that game "Dunkle the Grunkle" which is a new title Mable came up with and it's been a money stealing idea! The fair's only been open for 50 minutes and i've already pulled in $300 from what Soos said... speaking of which, where is he?

Timeskip: 5 Minutes

I laughed at the final guy that was in line after he threw his shot and the seat never moved even though it was a perfect throw. After he left and I calmed down a little, I noticed Soos and Mable. I hopped out of the dunk tank and walked to them. "Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Stan! The most amazing thing has happened!" Mable yelled at me with her excited and childish like behaviour. "Haha, what's that kiddo?" I asked with a smile. "This!" She said as she and Soos took a step apart and I looked up to see my nephew and my employee holding hands. "Dipper... Wendy, why are you guys holding hands?" I asked in confusion. "Grunkle Stan..." Dipper said my name shakingly. "Kiddo, you don't have to be afraid of me still haha, you can tell me anything!" I said happily. Dipper relaxed a little as he continued on after a deep breath. "Me and Wendy are together now as a couple" he said then winced and closed his eyes and braced thinking I was gonna get angry and was gonna punch him, but honestly inside I was thrilled. "Dipper, come here" I told him and he did what he wad told as he looked at me very nervously. I then pulled him into a hug and whispered to him "I'm proud of you Dipper" I said with love. "Thank you Grunkle Stan, thank you!" He said happily. After I released him, he had a few tears rolling down his cheeks but along with that was a smile as I know that he knew that I have accepted their relationship. I smiled at Dipper before turning to Wendy and I walked over to her. I grabbed her hand and smiled as I told her that "Wendy, i've known you for many years now and that you've been an employee at the shack for so long but I also do see you as family. I'm thankful Dipper has someone as great as you and knowing you've changed from hating work and non-stop magazine reading to a hard working loyal employee and a happy person which you deserve to be. Take care of my nephew please" I told and asked her happily and she had a big smile on her face as she could only nod and couldn't say a word because I could tell she was overwhelmed about what I just said. I then let go of her hand and smiled at the couple as they held hands again and Dipper was wiping Wendy's tears that slowly began coming out of her eyes. "Enough of the emotional stuff guys, you deserve a reward! Everything at the fair is free for you guys only!" I said not caring if I don't roll in an extra $20 just from them two. "Thank you Grunkle Stan!" "Yes, thank you Stan" I heard the couple say to me. "Go on you two, have a great time!" I said as they began walking away before they turned and waved goodbye to me and I did the same before making my way back to the tank.

Hey guys, chapter 15 is completed and chapter 16 will be up within 2 days. There won't be many chapters left and before you know it, the book will be completed... but that dosen't mean I won't be doing anymore books, I WILL be doing more books! There will be 3 new ones that will be created once the planning is completed:
1. When The Fireworks Fly (Dipcifca Oneshot)
2. The Airplane Incident (Wendip)
3. Robbie vs Dipper: Friendship Is On The Line
So stick around for those books coming out soon!

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