Chapter 17

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Dipper's pov:
As we were walking to the stage for the fireworks display, we saw the crowd sitting down on picnic blankets or ordinary blankets depending on the type of person you see in the Gravity Falls community. "Oh shoot Wendy, we didn't grab the picnic blanket from the car" I said as I turned to look at her. She looks at her phone which the screen read 8:15pm. "It's alright Dipper, let's go back to the car and get it" She said in between giggles.

Mable's pov:
"Alright Soos, it's 8:15pm" I said to him as we were getting everything ready to see the fireworks display. We had chips, snacks, smile dip and pitt cola ready on our blanket. As me and Soos were sitting down about to have some pitt, I spotted Dipper and Wendy walking away so I told Soos i'd be right back as I decided to quickly see where they were going. "Hey Dip, Wendy!" I said as I ran to them. "Hey Mabel, what's up?" Dipper asked and he and Wendy stopped and turned around to face me. "Where you guys heading? You know the fireworks will be on in 15 minutes!" I said. "Yeah we know Mable, we accidentally forgot our picnic blanket back in the car so we are heading back to the carpark to quickly grab it and have it set up so we can watch the fireworks" Wendy explained. "I was worried that you guys were just gonna leave" I said in relief. "We are gonna stay Mabel, it's all good alright?" Dipper said. "Alright, go on you two! And when you get back i've saved a spot for you guys next to me and Soos!" I said excitedly before pointing in the direction where Soos was sitting eating some chips and drinking some pitt. "Thank you Mabel, we'll be back in 5 minutes, we promise" Wendy said as she ruffled my hair. "Alright lovebirds go on" I said as they turned back around walking towards the carpark then making my way back to the blanket with Soos. "Hey Dawg, are they coming back?" Soos said in between crunching sounds of him eating chips. "Yeah they are just grabbing their picnic blanket and they are gonna sit with us" I explained to Soos. I looked at Soos's watch as it read 8:20pm.

Wendy's pov:
As we talked with Mable, Dipper and I continued walking and I held his hand and squeezed it, he returned the squeeze and looked at me and smiled as he then rubbed his thumb across my knuckles which made me blush and smile. "Hey Dip" I whispered looking into his hazel eyes. He then stopped as we were at the enterance of the fair and faced me. "Yeah Wendy?" He asked. "I love you" I said as I got more and more tempted to kiss him as I licked my lips. "I love you too Wendy" He said full of affection. I then tapped his nose before stand on my toes and reaching up to kiss him. "Hey Wendy!" I stood down and turned to see who it was and it was my brothers. I was a little ticked off because I REALLY wanted to kiss my boyfriend but oh well. "Hey guys, how you holdin' up?" I asked him in concern. "Thank god, Dad's in jail now" My oldest brother said. "We second that" Me and Dipper said at the same time. "Anyway, what are we gonna do now that Dad's gone out of the picture for 5 years? How we afford to keep the house?" I begin asking questions worried about the answers my brothers were gonna start saying. "Actually, after what happened, the Gravity Falls comunity has stepped in to help us with everything, all thanks to Mayor Tyler" My youngest brother spoke. I was stunned but happy at what he said. "That's amazing!" I said happily. "Yes it is, but Wendy we know it's only been a couple days since you have left to sleepover at Dipper's but we were thinking and we are sure of this decision as we know you two are in love, you can move in with Dipper!" My oldest brother spoke again. I looked at Dipper with a shocked face and so he showed me the same expression. "Anyway guys, we will leave now and we are going home to go to sleep, we are quite tired. Let me know what you think of this decison Wendy!" They said before walking home.

Dipper's pov:
I was shocked at what her brothers just said and I could tell Wendy was as well. "You can move in with Dipper... Dipper... Dipper" Her brother's voice echoed in my head but I was brought back to reality when I could hear Wendy's voice saying my name and snapping her fingers in front of my face. I shook my head and she giggled. "You alright?" She asked me. "Of course baby" I responded with a reassuring smile. Wendy then looks down at her phone then puts it back into her pocket. "We got five minutes Dip" She said. "Alright let's go to the car and get the picnic blanket and hurry back so Mable dosen't freak out" I said. She immediatley once again grabbed my hand as we walked to the car. I grabbed the keys and opened the boot where the picnic blanket was stored. As i grabbed it and turned around, Wendy charged and tackled me into the boot. "Ow, FU-!" I said as my head hit the roof or something hard. I held my head in pain with my hand as I was laying down on the floor of the boot. "Oh no! I'm so sorry baby, I couldn't help myself, I just really wanted to be alone with you was all" She began to freak out and shake and waiting for me to yell as she sat next to me. She is a tough woman but she has been broken down for quite a while so she was more scared than usual. I sat up and immediatley kissed her. After a few seconds, I needed air so I released my lips from her warm, moist, cheery balm flavoured lips. "I, I thought you were mad at me for hurting you" She said in shock. "It was an accident Wendy, you did do a good tackle i'll give ya that!" I said with a smile and a chuckle as I still have my hand covering the sore. "You sure Dip? Why do you have your hand on your head?" She then begin reaching out to grab my hand and move it to see what was wrong. "Oh no! Your head Dipper!". Before I could respond, she moved and kneeled down and sat on her feet somehow in the boot and she lifted my head gentley and rested it on her thighs and held my head. "I'm still sorry Dip, I-I just really wanted to kiss you and as you turned around I couldn't hold back anymore and I just had to tackle you and cuddle quickly" She said as she was stroking my hair. "Wendy, believe me when I say it when I say everything's okay and there's nothing to apologize for" I said as I turned my head slightly and gave her a reassuring smile. "I love you Dip" "I love yo-!" Was all i could say before she crashed her lips onto mine.

2 minutes later
As I was still kissing Wendy, her phone made a ding sound. She stopped kissing me for a moment and quickly glanced at her phone. "Crap Dipper! The fireworks start in 2 minutes, let's go!" Wendy said sounding excited. I chuckled as I lifted my head off her lap and exited the boot and Wendy followed me out. I took her hand but instead of exiting normally, she look like she was gonna jump! "Crap!" I said inside my head with very little time to catch her. "Catch me Dipper!" She said with a smile. Luckily I did catch her and I spun her around before placing her back on her feet. "Great catch baby!" Wendy said. I grabbed the picnic blanket and closed the boot door and locked the car up as Wendy crept into my arms and kissed me for catching her. I smiled as we turned around and began walking back to sit with Mable and Soos. "Alright, let's go!" We said together as I grabbed her hand as we were walking.

Thank you guys for being patient! I'm sorry for not uploading in another long while but this chapter is done and now the final chapter (chapter 18) is left. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and we will see what happens in the final chapter!

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